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26-10-10, 18:26
hi guys
does anyone keep getting a reoccurring sore throat. i do have acid reflux this time last yr i had cams down my throat and a biopsy taken they said i had acid reflux .but every so often i keep getting a sore throat and im always coughing to be honest im worried they may have missed something .

26-10-10, 19:12
change what u drink and eat...i had terible acid reflux last year...cut food out a little at night ...drinkinking was my worst problem...dont drink to much water before bed,as it bloats yr stomach and will end up in yr throat...

26-10-10, 19:33
do u get a lot of sore throats trev

26-10-10, 20:57
yes mate don't know if my cough causes it or acid reflux had a biopsy last yr has my throat was really sore for wks had cams up my nose and down my throat ent said it was reflux been on tabs but i don't take them everyday so maybe its that