View Full Version : Cancer Phobia

26-10-10, 18:42

I have a real cancer phobia, every ache or pain is cancer, I think I must be driving my husband mad!!! At the moment I believe I have ovarian cancer just cause for the past year my periods haven't been as regular or as normal as they once were. I went to the doctors and he said well you have never been 29 before have you, which I think is true but it did nothing for my worrying. What makes it worse is that there are no defined symptoms. Normally I can talk myself out of having it in about a week or so but this time it has been on and off for the past 10 months. My husband keeps saying if you did have it you would be dead by now - always helpful:) My last visit to the doctors regarding my periods was two weeks ago and I am trying desperately not to go back as now I have really bad lower back pain and cramp like pains in my abdomen - it is a daily struggle not to pick the phone up to the doctors!!! :weep:

24-11-10, 21:25
Hi there, I have the cancer fears as well, right now I think I have brain cancer, as I'm dizzy all the time and nauseas. I also think it could be stomach cancer. I struggle with calling my dr everyday as well, she has done bloodwork and ECGs on me to set my mind at ease. However, the thought that I may have cancer brings me down so much. It doesn't help that everywhere you look someone has died from cancer.

What I do, is i try to think logically (I know it's hard most days) if there was any inkling on my blood work that anything was wrong my dr would have ordered more tests.

I also went thru the womenly cancer scares, PMS can affect every women differently, as we age it can change as well. Stress and anxiety can cause your periods to go off course too. It's amazing the symptoms we can create when we think the worst.

Stay positive Jenny..you are a perfectly healthy woman.

24-11-10, 21:34
Hello i really do understand how you feel, when i get anxious, i get overwhelmed with the fear of cancer, and will almost convince myself that i have cancer somewhere, iv been feeling really dizzy and like you i think i have a brain tumor, you are truly not alonexx

25-11-10, 20:16
I have the phobia too - but I dont have any symptoms thats causing it - i'm more afraid of the ones that dont cause symptoms until its too late!!
In fact it made me feel sick just writing this reply :weep:
I dont talk to anyone about it - I just keep it in - I recently read a book hoping for a miracle but I still have the fear.
Its breast cancer inparticular that I fear, so much so now that i feel sick each morning when I shower, I wont let my husband near them, its starting to get ridi ulous now but I dont know how to get over it.

Thanks for listening - it took a lot of courage to even write this, and I'm glad I'm not alone

Deb x

25-11-10, 20:44
i had this phobia as a child for about 2 years.

my step dad was diagnosed with cancer on tuesday - it may have spread/be terminal - we don't know until further tests are done so please spare a thought for those who are truly suffering.

i know its difficult but PLEASE try to get your worries into perspective. 1 in 3 of us will suffer cancer at some point in our lives and many of us will survive lol. It is such a shame to let fear ruin your life when you are fit and healthy. would it actually get rid of your anxiety if you were diagnosed with cancer today - no - its just an outlet for your anxiety.

25-11-10, 20:54
My fear has been with me since i was a teenager - but when my mum got breast cancer 2 years ago my worries shot through the roof - so believe me a do spare a thought - she also has 2 friends who had it at the same time and then a work colleage of mine and now another work colleage. So you can maybe understand a little of why i feel as i do - also i work in a hospital to top it off

28-11-10, 19:55
Hello Debbsi, iv just read your message re cancer phobia, i reallyI do understand how you feel, when my anxiety gets bad i will automatically transfer it to my body and cancer, i too cant bear to shower and wash myself incase i find a lump!! it only gets better when my anxiety eases off.
Iv been told by my therapist that i transfer my mental pain to something more physical, something that i can identify as real pain and worry. Hope this helps you, i really know how scary it is.:hugs: