View Full Version : Im a newbie

26-10-10, 19:51
Just browsing the net as feeling panicky and came across this site.

I hate anxiety and i hate panic attacks, i have no reason in my life to get them its not fair.
I was trying to tell my colleague at work today what they are like, when you feel each breath is your last when your chest is so tight and the anxiety is built up inside. They are scary, maybe she doesnt understand as on the outside i look fine but inside i am screaming.

Last night i felt so bad i was pacing up and down, i felt like cutting myself just to give me an excuse to go to the hospital - it sounds crazy i know but i hate night time when everything is quiet and nobody is around

I need to write this stuff down and hope someone out there knows what i am feeling, to tell me im not going crazy

I just want my life back, i have a good partner, a good job, easy home life and go on holidays alot, but these panic/anxiety attacks are always there, taunting me and not letting me be free :weep:

26-10-10, 19:53
Hi eloelo

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

26-10-10, 19:55
Hello eloelo! love the name by the way :D

:welcome: to the forum. There are lots of people here who know exactly how you feel and you will get lots of support and advice.

On the left hand side of the page there are lots of articles giving useful information, try and take some time to have a read through. :flowers:

26-10-10, 19:56

paula lynne
26-10-10, 20:03
Wecome aboard x:welcome:

26-10-10, 20:05

You are certaily not alone.

Welcome x

26-10-10, 20:12
:welcome:hello eloelo :D hope u get the support u need on here, i m new and i have had lots of help already x

26-10-10, 20:18
thank you already for your replies and your support, tonight i was feeling low and so glad i came across this site so i dont feel so alone in this time of need and angst, i just feel like crying, but on the bright side i am listening to soem sade to relax me a little !! xxx much luv to you all, xx