View Full Version : Listen up Health Anxiety worriers!!!

26-10-10, 20:02
Some of you know that I have been on a whirlwind over health anxiety lately. It has crippled me so that I can focus on nothing else...I neglect my housework, my huband and can't focus on the important things in life. I have really been trying to educate myself on it (Health anxiety), learn about it, and thus overcome it. I found this book that YOU have got to read. WITH all due respect, it is only for those that want to get better. I am the first to admit that I used my anxiety as an excuse and perhaps wanted to use it as an excuse not to live life to the fullest. This book has helped me more so than my CBT counseling...
It is called, " It's Not All In Your Head" How Worrying about your health could be making you sick- and what you can do about it. By: Gordan J. G. Asmundson and Steven Taylor.
I have not "fixed" my health anxiety but I sure am more educated and more understanding of why we think the way we do. :yesyes:

26-10-10, 20:05
I have that book (I bought it to research HA for members on here) and a few others on here have posted saying how good it is.

26-10-10, 21:11
I have got the book and agree it explains health anxiety perfectly and gives a much better understanding of whats wrong with us BUT knowing all about my health anxiety hasn't actually made it much better!

30-10-10, 08:04
I had this book and actually gave it to another member of this forum to read with the understanding that they pass it on to a fellow member once they had read it. This was well over a year ago and I have totally forgot who had it.

Will check my PM's back to see who had it and will see if I can get them to pass it on as it is indeed a good reference point in coping with health anxiety.

edit: Would also like to mention that it is well worth reading The Mind Body Prescription by Dr John Sarno. Sarno proposes a thesis known as TMS which is basically a form of somatization. Sarno argues that often our mind will produce a wide variety of bodily symptoms and sensations that are designed to divert our worry from our mental and emotional sphere and onto the physical realm instead. I am a total adherent to the belief that true health anxiety is something that we use for diversion and therefore this idea struck a chord with me and I found his work and ideas hugely helpful. Even if you don't buy into the Freudian aspect of his main thesis the book will show you just how powerful the mind can been in generating physical sensations. Highly recommended.

30-10-10, 08:42
I've got the OP book too. It does describe HA well, but I was hoping to get to page xxx and read of the secret of being rid of HA. It isn't there.
The way to be rid of HA is an overall change from the things that make the problem worse. Before HA, I now recognise that I have the type of personality that obsesses over things. It could be the house, car, music, but unfortunately it got stuck on my own health, something which is very personal and unique to me - this makes it worse. Now for example, the thought of worrying about the house is a rather low priority.

I won't beat HA by accepting symptom A as ok, symptom B will just take its place. I will beat HA by accepting that I might get symptom A-Z, and if I do i'll have to deal with it. Having HA is not preventing A-Z, its just ruining my life whilst I haven't actually got anything wrong with me!

04-11-10, 01:56
Thanksvfor the recommendation. I bought the digital version of the book and already began reading it