View Full Version : stitch in shoulder blades /and upper stomach

26-10-10, 22:37
Hello everyone
just wanted to know if anyone has any idea what im expercing since today ive been getting pains either side of my ribcage like stitch and when im moving i feel it quite sharp almosy like a dull ache all around my rib cage and round.and its both sides of my body so not sure whats causing it is it just ,my ribs//? or could it be a digestive problem or even gallstones anybody have any clues would it be serious because stitch pain on is it just me im gonna make an appoitment with my doctor anyway in morning as i feel somethink moving and like tapping underneath my left rib and wondered if it could be connected .thanks for listening
just baffled and annoyed as its been aching allday and just worried.u knw how it is...xxx:winks:

27-10-10, 23:47
It sounds really uncomfortable for you, but don't worry, you'd be suprised how painful simple things like excess gas and acid can be! I'm sure it won't be anything serious so please don't worry. It will be something simple like pulled muscle, but only the doctor can tell you for sure.

Good luck at the docs :hugs: