View Full Version : Bit of an embarressing question

26-10-10, 22:39
Ok, this is a bit of an emabbressing question, but for the past few days, the area around my anal hole has been itchy and when I sit down or scratch it, it hurts, I'm too emabaressed to tell my parents or go back to to the doctor about it, has anyone got any ideas? I'm just strating to get over some of my health anxiety problems and then this shows up, help!!:blush:

26-10-10, 22:49
Internet diagnosis is never advisable. When you say hurts do you mean sore? If so, itchyness and soreness almost certainly points to haemerroids, which many many people have at some point. Hope that helps.

BTW, there is always a risk when asking for advice or opinions that you might get a response that worries you more. I hope that I haven't done that, but I know from experiance that it can happen.

Typing keywords into google is not a diagnosis. If I went to my Dr and she immediately started tapping away at google, i'd be worried. They spend years at med school and would be out of a job if google could do it. I've got into some right states after googling trying to prove myself ok.

26-10-10, 22:50
I have the same thing hun. I got thrush and from using the cream developed little papercuts around that area which are really itchy. I've been using an antiseptic cream called Savlon and they seem to be healing. You should definately see the doctor though :)

26-10-10, 23:09
I would guess at piles or a fissure. Both can be treated with cream such as anusol if you have that or something similar over there.

27-10-10, 02:22
If it's really itchy it could be worms.
you'd see little white strings in your stools.
all you got to do is take a tablet and they go away :-)

27-10-10, 05:45
lol, ive had this for 10 years - never thought anything of it.

27-10-10, 23:38
When you say "back to the doctor" do you mean you've mentioned this to them already, or you went for something else?

In the UK our pharmacists can assist in mild disorders, and will refer us to a doctor if required, could that be an option?

Whatever the cause, it isn't going to be anything serious so don't worry.

Good luck hun :hugs:

27-10-10, 23:41
Most probably piles - they itch like mad

28-10-10, 09:43
Fissures can itch too as they heal.
When you went for your last bowel movement, did you feel a rip? There might also have been a little bit of red blood on the toilet tissue when you wiped. If that did happen then it's nothing to worry about. Either go and ask your doctor to check you out or go to the chemist and buy a cream for piles.
However if its itching 24/7, then you might have worms. In which case you will need to go to the doctor to get some medicine to take. Again its nothing to worry about.
Or as people mention it could be piles. I have no experience with these I'm afraid so I cant give advice on them.

29-10-10, 01:11
You should also only ever use moist toilet tissue - otherwise you are in effect just sandpapering yourself after every bowel movement, which by itself can cause irritation (it's just skin after all, think of your nose when you get a cold!)