View Full Version : glands in neck ?

27-10-10, 08:47
HI all, this isnt a usual fear for me i worry mainly about ms. For the past 2 days i have had a pain in my neck when yawning it feels exactly like a muscle pain just on the right side. I have just this morning felt my neck up & down & too my horror i have a lump in my neck that hurts & i can move it. I cant move it round but i can push it and its rubbery & springs back. i googled & i think it sounds like enlarged lymph nodes :( but im not ill so now im freaking out i have something wrong with me like cancer :(

Does this sound like glands?x

27-10-10, 08:54
hi, sorry you are worrying about this, i have a simular feeling in my neck on my left hand side! its a tight achy like stiffness.
i dont think u should worry about it being anything serious, as it sounds like it could be just a swollen gland which are uncomfortable.
try not to worry it can make it feel worse especially if its tension related
:hugs: take care xx

27-10-10, 08:58
thank you! im feeling it when i cough too, it feels like somethings stuck in my neck :( i shouldnt have googled x

27-10-10, 09:07
no u shouldnt google anything it sends your brain into overdrive! i have the feeling something is obstructing mine too! it does help me to do long slow deep breathing tho! hope it eases soon for you xxx

27-10-10, 20:29
Just wanted to say I have been having problems with my neck as well except on the left side.. It feels tight and stiff sort of, and a little sore.. I have probably made it worse because I felt 2 nodes one is hard one is not but neither are swollen for me. They're about the size on my fingertip.. I probably made it worse because i kept poking at my neck but haven't in a couple days so maybe it will go away.. The node being hard worries me a little.. Just wanted to let you know your not the only one..

29-10-10, 02:14
I had HUGE health anxiety about my throat glands until I read something that says you will ALWAYS find glands in the neck so don't go feeling around.

29-10-10, 10:53

I was getting a pain down one side of my neck and one side of my jaw when I yawned/opened mouth wide about 3 or 4 days before I developed a sore throat, and now I have a sore throat my neck feels huge like theres some great big lump. Ive been to docs and she said one lymph node is slightly enlarged and that this will be due to the infection.

So the pain you feel in your neck could be a pre-cursor to a sore throat and this is why a gland would be enlarged perhaps.