View Full Version : terrified

27-10-10, 12:24
hello everyone,

I'm new on board and I would be grateful if someone could reply to my post.
In 31/1/2003 my smear test came back as borderline
since that time I have not back for doing smear test because I've been for many years through though times.
In 24/12/2007 my smear test result appeared normal.
In 04/12/2009 my smear test result appeared normal.

the point is I've been called up to do the next one due 04/12/2010
so I do not know why they are calling me up again as because they are expecting something worst about to happen

best wishes

27-10-10, 12:25
Hi dollar

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-10-10, 12:38
Hi and Welcome to NMP :)
I can understand why you would feel anxious about being asked to go for another smear test a year after your last one, however, if there was anything suspect about your last smear test, then you would not have received the 'normal' result and you would have been contacted back then.
Why not call your gp's surgery and ask if they can give you an explanation for why you are having another smear only a year after your last. At least it will put your mind at ease, rather than worrying.

Vanilla Sky
27-10-10, 17:39
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x