View Full Version : new here and could do with a chat

27-10-10, 13:07
hi everyone
just read the main page about health anxiety and wow that hit home hard.
let me tell you my story and maybe you would be kind enough to give your opinion.
for a long time i have been hypo thyroid i was on 50mg of thyroxine all was ok then a few years later my gp said im not on enough and put me up to 200mg overnight and bang i was so ill and after my gp insisted she told me to do the increase very slowly over 6 months (she bloody well never) but there you go. so back down to 50 mg i went and slowly started the increase but as they were upped the the worse i felt i.e dizzy lightheaded headaches fatigue and so on. i was so wrapped up in why i felt like i did that i started to get very anxious and started to get muscle twitches and did not want to go out i felt so awfull. so for the last 3 years this has been my life but the last month has been the worst i was given antibiotics for a chest infection (ammoxicillin) and after 5 days felt awfull and on day 7 woke up felling very very detatched almost out of body i woke my wife and told her there was something wrong i was fixed to spot and very scared my stomach felt like pure acid ( could this have been a panic attack). ambulance was called and a & e run tests all were ok . the next few days i felt like my blood was rushing arould my body and sleep was a no go maybe an hour or 2 a night with constant internal tremors. after a few days more things started to get a little better until the gp phoned and told me i had h pylori :( so i started a course of triple treatment and within 4 days of the treatment i had the same again i.e tremors sleep trouble and feeling like things going 100mph also got sore chest lump in throat and slight ear pain all on the right sideand my glands are up but no infection apart from h pylori. im possitive im sensitive to something they bulk out pills with but also willing to accept maybe i have an anxiety problem ???

so bloody confused

ps i do tend to worry alot about my kids and family in general. also my gp has me on propanaol 80mg but i only take 20mg.

sorry for the long post and thankyou for reading

27-10-10, 13:23
also forgot to ask
can panic attacks be sudden and invoulentry i.e feel fine 1 min and the just bang panic attack ?

also can they get worse when on medication ?


27-10-10, 13:28
Hi there, sounds like you are having a nightmare time.

Anxiety is horrible I understand completly, anxiety also can be affected by thyroid problems - I hope your doctor is checking you regularly. You should get checked every 6 months.

I am not sure how you feel about your GP - but I would be inclined to get a 2nd opinion. Some doctors are really understanding for anxiety and others just aren't so.
It would almost be worth printing a copy of your post and taking it to a different doctor and see what is said.

In the meantime have a good look around this site there is some fab information and lots of support.

Hoep this helpsx

27-10-10, 13:34
Hi satellitepro :welcome:

How are your thyroid blood tests these days? If you're levels aren't right it can cause big probs with anxiety. This is a very good site I'm sure there will be more people along with advice x

PS, certainly in my case PAs can happen out of the blue - and with antidepressants they can sometimes get worse before they get better

27-10-10, 14:24
thanks for your replys everyonr this site is a god send.
my thyroid levels are terrible tsh is 16.3 down from 65.2 6 months ago but ive just been given some different meds for it so fingers crossed.

27-10-10, 14:31
you're right - this site is a god send.

do you have any books re hypo thyroid ? I had never reallytaken mine seriously - it runs in my family so just kinda thought take the meds and all will be fine. It wasnt until a friend of mine explained the seriousness that I got it!!!! maybe your library has some books for you to peruse. Until you have that sorted you will feel horrid and wont be able to assess what is thyroid and what is anxiety.

Get as much help and support as you can from your GP.

Keep us updatedx