View Full Version : advice plz help

27-10-10, 16:21
hi i suffer alot with anxiety and panic attacks i was diagnosed last year with underactive thyroyd after haveing another blood test the found i have to much iron in my bloodi have been ref to a consultant heamatologist i am really terrified thats all i think about just none stop terra i cant go on like this thinking iv got some horrible thing and what they might find next im not living at moment just exsistin wont go out of my house iv lost loads of weight cant sleep well cant function full stop i jui have st dont no what to do my gp just says they will do more test at hospital anyone been through simaler plz i cant go on much longer :weep:

27-10-10, 19:39
Hi jeanne. I think iron levels are a fairly common issue with hypothyroidism. I've been on iron pills to increase it.
I'm unsure of the treatment when you have too much, but I wouldnt be too worried. Its a common disease, so they're used to treating it :)

27-10-10, 22:36
My friend had an inherited condition that causes your body to store too much iron - the wonderfully good news is that if its picked up before middle age then often no damage is done - hers was called haemachromatosis. She just had to give blood every so often to keep her iron levels down and she didn't eat red meat or liver anything that was high in iron and she was fine.

There may be an innocent explanation for your high iron levels - I am just trying to reassure you that even with the inherited condition above it didn't impact on her life that much and had no bad effects on her body because it was picked up before it could do damage so if it is above be very thankful it has been found and don't worry its not that bad honest.

28-10-10, 16:29
thankyou so much puts my mind at rest a little just wait and see what happens :hugs: