View Full Version : another scare but this time its real

27-10-10, 20:20
hi all
ive been suffering with this health anxiety for a couple of years
and am always thinking ive got some sort of cancer but i wont go to the
doctors in case its something bad
anyway for the last week or so ive had this terrible itching over most of my body its been driving me mad and today at work i had a itch on the inside of my thigh at the top so had to scratch it and a couple of hours later when i went to the toilet had the shock of my life where id scratched
my leg was loads of bruises and red marks it is a mess
ive shown it to the pharmisist at work he thinks it could be an allergic reaction to something
so i knew i couldnt ignore it but i couldnt get an app with doctor till tomorrow morning panic is now starting to kick in im going to be a mess in the doctors god i hope its nothing bad

27-10-10, 20:47
You sound just like me - always scared that I have something awful but too scared to go to a Dr. About four years ago I had itchy nipples and convinced myself I had a rare form of breast cancer, courtesy of Dr Google! Went completely off my head for two days until I saw a consultant and it turned out to be ezcema!

It does sound as 'though you have had an allergic reaction to something, and it seems like you've just scratched it too much without even realising. I know it's hard not too!

Try to keep calm tonight and occupy yourself if you can. Do some deep breathing and watch a bit of telly, it does help.

I'm sure everything will be fine tomorrow. Keep in touch x

27-10-10, 21:15
I don't think it is anything bad and I certainly don't think it is cancer. You will be fine.

margaret jones
27-10-10, 21:48
Trolly Dolly Hi scratching a itch will certainly bring on red marks bruising I am sure it will be fine try and distract yourself tv /book /music / Take Care xx

27-10-10, 22:05
thanks for your replies
im trying to keep calm but must admit i cant wait to get to the doctors about it which is not like me at all
ive accepted that i will more than likely have a panic attack in the surgerey but im going to just have to cope i expect they see that all the time

27-10-10, 23:56
Hi, I hope you are feeling a little calmer? I just thought I would say many times when I have been bitten by a midge in summer I have scratched like a maniac and then not realised until later that I have bruised myself and made myself bleed. A few times I actually convinced myself I have meningitis because I had scratched myself that hard that I had loads and loads of tiny purple red bruises on my thigh and it scared the hell out of me!
Honestly it will just be one of those things where some thing made you scratch and you bruised your self. It's surprising how much scratching can mark you! xx

28-10-10, 13:05
I went to the doctors this morning on my own as well
And i didnt have a panic attack okay i was quite nervous
my leg is okay just badly bruised from scratching but i will have to go back if i get bruising like that again
And i asked for help with my ha so i will be getting counciling
And i confessed all my illnesses that i probarly should have had antibotics for and he gave me a course of them to clear anything up that could be left so im made up

28-10-10, 19:50

Give yourself a huge pat on the back - you were very brave.

I nearly went into my local surgery today to register, but didn't quite make it. I might try again tomorrow!

Hopefully this will inspire some of us in the same situation, so good on you for sharing.
