View Full Version : tingling in legs and twitches?

27-10-10, 22:31
anyone suffer from this its drivin me mad cant think of anything else and the more i concentrate on it the worse it gets...... help?

27-10-10, 22:40
Hi there, if ur feeling anxious then this is a vicious cycle, ur anxiety will feed ur symptoms and ur symptoms will get worse and this then feeds ur anxiety! making u feel like something is terribly wrong. It's hard to distract urself when ur locked on a symptom, it becomes obsessive! but i'd try and do something else, watch tv, read whatever u can to distract ur thoughts away from ur symptoms. I used to get similar symptoms that ur having now, it used to drive me crazy, i just had to ride the storm and see it through, and tell myself THAT THIS IS ANXIETY!! It happens even now i get the same feelings of 'oh my god' what is this symptom??? i just try and keep calm and see how i go, and if its still there in a week, i see the doctor. See how u get on :)

Take care xx