View Full Version : Brain tumour symptoms?!

28-10-10, 11:10
sorry to be a pain but i really need to know, what are the brain tumour symptoms to look out for?! i am really trying to resist the urge to google!!

my anxiety seems to have come back quite bad this month and i cant get brain tumours out of my head. i get the occasional headaches, sometimes a few head twinges/zaps but nothing too bad. im just finding it hard to control the anxiety today.

i need to know im not dying of a brain tumour!

28-10-10, 11:39
Hi there, sorry to hear about ur anxiety about brain tumors, i understand ur fear, but i'm not gonna give u a list of symptoms! it would only fuel ur anxiety even more, and within a day u'd get all those symptoms convincing urself u have a brain tumor even when u dont!!

We all get headaches from time to time and head zaps, and we all feel very anxious about certain diseases, but you have to try and stop feeding ur anxiety. Please dont look on google, it will only make u feel 100 times worse.

I can only say that brain tumors are v rare, and some of which are treatable. No one knows what we are gonna get in life! i could have a brain tumor right now and not know anything about it, but i can't go to the doctors and ask for tests and scans, it would mean that my HA would be ruling my life, and right now i wanna live :)

I'm here if u wanna chat ok :)

28-10-10, 12:00
thank you.

i know im being silly. and if i sit here and think seriously i know i dont have a brain tumour but i still cant get rid of the niggling fear that i might have and just havent realised it!

ive got a cold too and bunged up sinus so im sure thats why i have a headache and i know brain tumours are rare. im more angry with myself than anything because i know i shouldnt be panicking but getting angry just makes me stressed which just makes me even more anxious! ive got a little stuck in a viscious circle today!


28-10-10, 21:51
Brain tumours usually don't give you a headache stragely as the brain cant feel pain - symptoms tend to be severe like sudden fits or sudden total loss of use of arm or leg or slurred speech or symptoms that would have you rushed to hospital thinking you had had a stroke - they are not vague symptoms. I am unfortunate enough to have known 4 people who had them some primary and some secondary.

having regular eye tests at opticians is a good check for brain tumours plus other diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes as all these things will show in the eyes.

28-10-10, 22:17
It really doesn't sound like you have anything to worry about. I had a panic about brain tumours quite a few years back now because I'd been having constant bad headaches. The doctor said that headaches caused by brain tumours are worse in the morning when you wake up due to pressure in the head while you're sleeping. I had CT scan at the time and was fine.

Then a few years ago my dad died of a brain tumour. He didn't really have headaches with it at all. His symptoms were really bad depression, not being able to walk in straight line and always walking into door frames and things.

Headaches are most often just caused by tension, anxiety, or hormones and very very rarely anything worse.

29-10-10, 01:46
I feel so bad for all of you! I used to think I had a brain tumor as well. I have posted here before about my situation.

My hubby actually has a brain tumor, it was huge too! The size of a plum that was pushing on his motorstrip, they said he had if for years to get that large. His ONLY symptom was a grand mal seizure. I am only saying this to ease your minds, not make you feel more anxious. All most ALL brain tumor are found by either MASSIVE out of control headaches, or seizure. He NEVER complained of being light headed, having headaches, tingling anywhere....and remember Brain Tumors are VERY rare.

04-12-11, 20:43

02-01-13, 20:44
Please help. I am 38 m in pretty good shape .. except I think I have a brain tumor... have terrible anxiety and am a hypochondriac. Been to a chiropractor and doc and both say I am OK neurologically. Been getting a dull headache almost every day and or pressure in head and ears. Also I have retinal migraines for the past 7 years. The two things combined are really freaking me out... I also almost always am having a sinus problem.... I am here because I don't want to Google symptoms of a brain tumor. Help...also I seem to get more pressure when I bend over... am I crazy? I hope that's all it is or just maybe some sinus issues... but I just want some reassurance I guess. If anyone could reply to this that would be awesome I am really going crazy as of late thanks

02-01-13, 21:03
My dad had a brain tumour and he never ever suffered a headache! He had other symptoms which I do not want to list because of members HA. If you had a brain tumour you would know about it and symptoms would be there constantly.

02-01-13, 21:44
I also fear brain tumours even though I know I don't have one. The symptoms are constant and severe. My granddad has had a brain tumour for 20 years and the only reason he found out about his was when he one day completely lost his vision. Brain tumour are very rare and untreatable terminal ones are even rarer.

02-01-13, 21:47
I have had many brain tumour fears as well in fact this is a bit of a default worry for me. I went through a period of having synonyms which I was convinced only a BT would cause (won't go into them as it will only add to your anxiety) but it turned out it was allergy and sinus related.

03-01-13, 00:47
Thank you all so so much for replies. It really helps to be a little more reassured. I am wearing my wife out with all this stufff.. she is very understanding but I know that I can be overwhelming with all this. She has been telling me the same sorts of things. Says I wouldn't be able to do manual labor in 10 degree F weather for hours if I had one. But I do realize that I do for sure have a mental disorder here at the very least this anxiety is awful. Really have just gone off the hook about this when the occular migraines (vision disturbance in one eye) started back up. Its crazy though.. I even went to a eye doctor concerning those and she told me no big deal but it still scares the crap outta me when it happens especially when I been getting headaches... thanks again everybody sometimes it just helps to vent I guess.

03-01-13, 00:56
Dont google! I have self diagnosed myself with allsorts and even given myself months to live before now. Thoughts cropped up in my head all the things I was going to do before I died! Your not crazy, ha is an illness and some have it worse than others xx

03-01-13, 01:24
Thanks Roxy 79 u and everyone else is a godsend right now. I came here first before starting to google . I have done my share of internet searches etc also. I have diagnosed myself with everything under the sun. Just this by thing really seems to be hanging on.