View Full Version : Question for the ladies of the forum ?

28-10-10, 13:11
I just found a small pea sized bump near my clitoris. It hurts when I apply pressure, nothing comes out when i squeeze it. There is only one bump on the left side.
Im just wondering what it could be as ive had it for a few days now and am getting worried and thinking the worst, the usual things like cancer etc has anyone any advice and should i embarress myself and see a doctor :blush:

28-10-10, 13:25
It could be an infected pore. Try bathing it in warm salted water for a few days to see if it releases any puss. Try not to squeeze it as this will only make it more angry.
If after a few days there's no improvement then you could go to a GUM clinic and ask them to look.

28-10-10, 13:58
I agree with Vixxy ,It could be a cyst tho .Its quite common .Hope it clears up in a few days tho ..t/c sue x:hugs:

28-10-10, 14:00
I've had this loads of times as well as other bumps around that area. I don't really know what they are but as the whole area is moist and hidden I assume they're infected boils and spots. The ones I've had have lasted for weeks and in the end I've got tired of feeling for them.

28-10-10, 14:08
Yes I agree with pp. Is it more like a spot?

I get quite a few around the area and it certainly seems to be hormone related for me. Are you due your period as that is usually when I get them and they clear up in a couple of days. I have had one, this month where you had yours and it was very sharp pain when it was touched. It has gone now though. I get really big ones as well.

28-10-10, 14:19
Could be a cyst - I have I think 4 there, one so sore that if I touch it I get like an electric shock jolt in my spine! Seemingly quite normal, although mine went undiagnosed for 18 months (several doctors didn't spot them!) and am now hopefully getting them burst! I'd leave it for a few days, see what happens and if it's still bothering you then maybe go see GP xx

28-10-10, 14:26
Thanks for the replies i'll try a few hot baths and see if that works , its just uncomfy at the moment , think its cause i know its there, at least its not getting any bigger. xx

09-11-10, 18:08
Just an update for all, went to the doctors on friday and he said it was a cyst that had decided to burst and was healing,although i do still feel a very small bump there, so mind put at rest, BUT wait for it on sunday i felt really itchy and sore down there again (one of signs of vulvar cancer) had a wee feel and now have another raised lump on the inner part of my labia just down a bit from the clitoris on right hand side im really freaking out thinking it could be vulvar cancer would the doctor have picked up on anything like that on friday , and would lumps come and go if cancer, i cant go back and see him again as i was just there on friday last week just dont know what to do for the best now :(

09-11-10, 18:20
Hmm this is interesting. I have two little lumps in about the same place which I've had for years. Theyre about quarter of a pea size...I wonder if they are little cysts.

KittyKat, the doctor would have got you in for more tests if he suspected anything was wrong. Is the other lump like the first one? Maybe it's a lump that you had anyway but have noticed because you've been checking the area? Maybe you could go and see a nurse at the practice if you don't want to see your doc...they sometimes deal with women's health issues.

M xxx

09-11-10, 19:09
Let me start by saying that vulval cancer is extremely rare. I know someone who has had it. I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about. When I have had these spots before which are hormone linked I can get a couple at a time. Does it hurt to touch it? And I have also had itchy skin down there since I wad a child, and I'm still here!

09-11-10, 20:15
I've got a small lump there too. Had it a while. Decided vulvar cancer so rare that it couldn't be that. For once I was being sane - hopefully! I wouldn't worry - just keep an eye on it. I think that area is just meant to be bumpy and lumpy.

If any guys are reading this - buzz off!!

09-11-10, 21:21
Hey guys,

It is quite sore to touch or when i press it, i am sitting with a hot compress at the moment but these lumps of mine never seem to come to a head so i can get any puss etc out of them. i just freak out when i get lumps as being a ha sufferer i always think the worst, and i was naughty and googled vulvar cancer !! :(

09-11-10, 22:30
Hi Kittykat

I get these lumps from time to time. They last for a few days and are very sore when i touch them or press them. Iv had them on and off for years. Please try not to worry

mandie x

10-11-10, 10:29
thanks for all the replies you've all kept me sane ...well almost, had a look this morning the lump seems to have went down but still sore to touch and its red in that general area( inner labia right side, right in the middle as well ), its also still a bit itchy and achey, i just wish i knew what causes this as im getting them quite a lot at the moment x sorry to keep on about this as im still convinced deep down its serious as i heard some where tht vulvar cancer is getting found more often in younger women i'm 39 now !! It did state risk factors , sexual partners etc but ive only ever had unprotected sex with my hubby and ive been with him for 17 years, always used condoms prior to hubby and all my smears are fine and up to date , am i worrying about nothing ?

paula lynne
10-11-10, 10:36
Hi Kittykat, I had one of these lumps several years ago. Small, hard, painful. Ive been married for 10 years and with hubby for 17. It did worry me at the time I must admit!
It disappeared on its own after a while, I used to put sudocrem on it! Im 39 also.
If all your tests are fine, you really have to trust what the results say...you are ok.
Stop poking or prodding if you are still doing that, and wear comfortable cotton underwear so the skin can breathe. Im sure you are ok love x:)