View Full Version : GERD what could this be?

California Girl
28-10-10, 14:55
Hi there, I have these symptoms for a while now, I always thought they was anxiety related but now i'm thinking that it could be GERD.
My symptoms are:

Burning throat and mouth
Feeling as if food is stuck in throat and chest
Post nasal drip and cattarrah in throat
Constant clearing of throat
Pain under right rib
Belching/ throat gurgling

What could this be? does is sound like GERD?
Thanks x

28-10-10, 18:09
i have gerd and im always coughing. and that causes a sore throat

28-10-10, 18:14
We are not medically trained to diagnose you, if you are concerned that it is GERD then you need to see your doctor.

28-10-10, 18:49
I don't think they're asking for a diagnosis, they want an opinion.
A lot of those can be GERD related :)

28-10-10, 19:21
Asking whether the symptoms represent GERD is asking for a diagnosis.

California Girl
28-10-10, 19:22
oh right, its just that i see alot of posts on here where people state their symptoms. I shall not bother again.

All i was asking is if it sounded like gerd, not a full online diagnonsis.

28-10-10, 20:02
"does is sound like GERD?"
Asking for an opinion, not diagnosis.

Summer you've done nothing wrong, a lot of people talk about GERD on here I"m amazed more haven't replied.

31-10-10, 20:49
Sounds like classic GERD symptoms to meand a common associated condition when you suffer from anxiety and panic.

Most doctors will tell you that it is caused by a virus called helio pylo-bactori (think that's the right term but please correct me if I'm wrong) - for which I was tested and diganosed in the past. Usually a course of anti-biotic follows and is supposed to clear it up, but I still get recurrences of the condition when I'm stressed.

My symptoms include burning sensations in the chest and occasionally throat, acid reflux, bile, hiccupping, burping, intolerance of food with additives in it, pains and burning in the ribs and so on (I won't bore you with the full discomfort and inconvenience of this condition). Strangely enough eating pickles seems to reverse the symptoms when you would think it would make it worse.....

If all else fails, get some Gaviscon Advance liquid to glug when it is troublesome - works a treat and you can get it without prescription.
