View Full Version : One tonsil enlarged and hurting, does this sound serious?

28-10-10, 15:35
I went to docs at beginning of year with one tonsil larger than the other, two docs said this was nothing toworry about as out bodies can be asymmetrical. Yesterday I developed a sore throat which I thought was just down to a slight cold but the sore throat is still there today and its just on one side, the side of the enlarged tonsil!!

Im due to go away on hol on saturday and would lose all money if dont go, does this sound serious enough to stop me? Culd it just be a sore throat related to a cold or something like slight tonsilitus if only one side hurts?? Or is it not possible on only one side....

Tried to get docs appointment but they said not till next week which is no good despite begging and pleading to see any doc before sat and I dont think its something you could go to A+E with is it?!

Please someone reassure me, im worried wont get to go on my hol as ive read one side hurting could be someting serious like quinsy or a growth (my tonsil was already enlarged so im scared about this). Also, the tonsil does now seem even more enlarged and im worried it could enlarge more and stop me breathing, as it was already quite large to begin with

Am I safe to go on hol for the weekend, I go on sat and get back mon night do you think? Has anyone else had pain on one side and it was nothing and went away quickly, feeling so depressed now! argh!

28-10-10, 16:08
I'm very prone to tonsilitus and when I get it only 1 tonsil hurts usually. Remember your tonsils are your first line of defence against infection so it's usually them that hurts and goes all horrible first when you're about to come down with something! Sometimes one tonsil, usually my left, hurts for no reason at all, all day, then when I go to bed and wake up its gone. xx

28-10-10, 16:11
sore throats can be on just one side as you've found!! Take a couple of paracetamol and you'll soon feel a bit better...... you'll probably find its better tomorrow morning. Go on your holiday and forget about the throat.... its just a viral infection which will probably end up as a cold in a few days time!

28-10-10, 16:36
Thx for your replies Im trying to calm down as I can imagine myself saying similar things to what you've said if it was someone else, darn websites which mention tonsil cancer!

28-10-10, 16:42
Thx for your replies Im trying to calm down as I can imagine myself saying similar things to what you've said if it was someone else, darn websites which mention tonsil cancer!
Never even heard of that lol!! You must stop looking these thing up!!:)

28-10-10, 16:52
When I swallow im also sometimes getting a pain in my ear which is mentioned as a tonsil cancer symptom, is ear pain on the affected side also common to general sore throats?

28-10-10, 16:55
Yea it is, I get really bad tonsilitus, like REALLY bad. When I swallow it hurts my throat so much I don't eat for a week, it hurts my ear, jaw, head everything when I swallow when I get it. You shouldn't search for stuff because seriously it will ALL say you have cancer. Just do what Geoff said and take some paracetamol cuz it really eases up the pain.

28-10-10, 17:03
Yeah, Ive found out the hard way all websites make common enough symtoms cancer indicators, I think I just initially got worried as the left tonsil is always big, which ive never quite accepted is due to them just being asymmetrical as my doc said back in Jan when I had a sore throat. Im doesed up on paracetamol and am overdosing on strepsils lol (despite the fact im finding strepsils useless). Im going to see a musical tonight and have also just gone deafish in one ear which I assume is all connected to the throat prob, grr

28-10-10, 17:58
I would not worry about it Louise.

I had an enlarged, sore left tonsil a few weeks ago which didn't amount to anything. Several things help:
-traditional painkillers like paracetamol and ibruprofen
-Salt water gargles or normal mouthwash gargles (mouthwash with chlorhexidine in it is best though)
-An anaesthetic spray for the back of the throat like Chloroseptic is brilliant. I sprayed it regularly just on my left tonsil and it knocked it on the head.
-Finally, the old favourite.....honey and lemon tea.

Your body may just be fighting a small viral infection that's all which will pass soon. Just look after yourself 'til Saturday and I am sure things will settle.

Enjoy your hol,


29-10-10, 10:58
Went to docs today (after much ringing and badgering and ringing back they had a cancellation). The doc had a quick look for about two secs and said both tonsils are slightly red but no pus or white stuff so it will just be a viral infection and that theres nothing they can do. I hacvent had a sore throat that lasted for more than two days without it being tonsilitus though.... was hoping for antibiotics (always go these as a child/teenage for tonsilitus) but she said no as they wouldnt work. I said that my neck feels huge and like im almost choking when turn my head one way but she said one lymph node is only very slightly enlarged and this will be it fighting an infection. About the one tonsil always bigger than the other she just said the same thing other doc did, that our bodies arent symmetrical.

So just got to pray it doesnt drag out, much longer, dosed up on ibruprofen, but cant event sleep as that is when im in most pain :-( Google still tells me I have possible tonsilar cancer though, ho hum lol, but assume id be getting a sore throat every couple of weeks if that was the case (I hope anyways)

By viral does she mean related to a cold/flu? or could it till be tonsilitus despite no white stuff on tonsils?

29-10-10, 12:34
Hi again Louise. Strange as it seems, tonsillitis can be viral or bacterial so they are one in the same.They might have prescribed antibiotics if they thought it was severe and seen some pus on your tonsils, but with a virus it is exactly like a cold where they cannot give anything for it as antibiotics aren't effective against viruses. I am afraid it is just a case of sitting it out until it passes, but generally viruses don't last longer than a week or so then work their way out of your system.

Any lymph swelling can be really painful I know, but Ibuprofen should help with both the tonsil and your neck as it is anti-inflammatory. You can also take Paracetamol as it is a totally different drug from Ibuprofen, but just take note of the times you are taking each of the drugs and don't take more than is recommended in 24 hours.

Apart from the painkiller, gargling really does work well to calm things down as I mentioned before. Lots of rest and fluids too!

This will pass Louise. Get well soon!


29-10-10, 17:54
Funnily enough, my left tonsil is really hurting today! Started last night and is still here today. Looks like we're in the same boat :winks:

Probably really is a little virus or something! x