View Full Version : my dog died - the second i have lost in 2 months

28-10-10, 18:57
feeling very down today. 3 out of our 4 dogs picked up poison 2 months ago - our puppy died and the other 2 were critical for 2 days and it was an incredibly stressful time. the fourth who did not ingest any died unexpectedly last night - he was 10 so a reasonable age for a springer spaniel but the speed of it was so shocking. he became unwell at 9 pm and i took him to the vets because i was so concerned at his behaviour - but the vet could find nothing wrong. An hour and half later - he came into the living room from his bed and he was stood in such a funny way and started to look so terrible i began to think - oh my god - could he be dying?! :scared15:

he then laid down and his breathing went funny - i was straight back on the phone to the vet and she came out and although she said we could leave it a few hours - we just had to put him to sleep because he was obviously dying (he was stopping and starting breathing by then) and when we gave her the go ahead - he thumped his tail (heartbreaking) as if he was saying yes - that is what i want.

me and my husband stayed with him the whole time and he died peacefully - i insisted he was sedated first so he would know nothing about it - the vet thinks his heart just failed.

i just cannot believe we have lost 2 dogs in 2 months and a few weeks before we lost the first dog - my brother lost his dog tragically too. i had just started to turn the corner from feeling terrible after coming off citalopram after 7 years but this is what life does - it does not wait for you to be anxiety free lol before things happen although i must admit i sucummbed to a beta blocker after the ordeal.

just wanted to vent a little - i am sure other pet lovers will understand xx

paula lynne
28-10-10, 19:02
Oh thats terribly sad, Im so sorry. I cant have pets as were all allergic, but I did have dogs throughout the whole of my childhood, and when they leave us, its really the loss of a member of the family. Thinking of you.x:hugs:

28-10-10, 19:09
Sweetie - you vent all you long, how horrible.

Who can blame you for being upset and anxious - you have had some truely awful experiences lately. And losing one pet is bad enough but your situation must be devastating.

My heart goes out to you and your husband - I am a big animal lover, I don't understand people half the time but with animals its totally unconditional.

Take care and :bighug1:x

28-10-10, 19:20
I am so so sorry for your loss, i have had animals all my life and was heartbroken when they were gone. my thoughts are with you xxx

margaret jones
28-10-10, 19:27
You poor thing you must all be devestated what a lucky dog he was to have a loving family to care for him .

Was watching program about RSPCA and the awful cruelty that they find animals have suffered these people should be named and shamed .

Try and think of all your happy memories with your beloved pet .

Thinking of you all xx

28-10-10, 19:48
My heart is with you. I think at times like this we must try to remember our pets are loved and cherished and would have been happy because of us.

28-10-10, 19:55
Yes, I understand after losing "my best friend" last year. Even to look at photos of him now still gets to me. It must be absolutely heartbreaking for you but I know there are no words I can say to comfort you except that I genuinely feel for you.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

28-10-10, 20:01
I am so sorry. You must be absolutely heartbroken. I am crying reading your post so I cannot begin to imagine what you must be going through.
I have 1 dog and 3 cats and they are not pets - they are my family and I love them so much - and I am sure it is the same for you.
Please take some comfort from knowing that you gave your dogs a good life.
I dont know what else to say other than to say I am so sorry and that I am thinking of you X

28-10-10, 20:19
I truly understand how you feel. My lovely Springer/Red Setter cross developed a tumour in her leg and after a few months we had to have her put to sleep.
It was one of the saddest days of our lives and I have a framed photo of her by the computer as I write.
Remember that grief is a natural process and it is normal to be upset. Losing a pet is the loss of an important family member.
I now have a Cocker Spaniel from the Dogs Trust. She had been used for breeding and badly neglected. She was six when we got her and is now quite elderly and slowing down and I know I'll probably go through it all again soon. However, the changes in her and the happiness she has brought us will always stay with us.

28-10-10, 20:27
thanks guys for the lovely replies - poppy c - do not cry lol - you are setting me off again! evekins - our little dog who died after posioning was a cocker and so are the 2 we have left. my brothers dog was a cocker too although his loss has a kind of happy ending as he now has her sister - fate?!

am ok for half an hour but then i just think - poor mr woo! (that was his pet name!)

28-10-10, 20:37
:weep: aw am so sorry about your dog! its horrible, we had about 4 of our dogs die when i lived at home with my mum, its so sad x big hugs to you xxx:hugs:

28-10-10, 20:47
Aw I was filling up just reading this post how heartbreaking this must have been for you. I love my little dog so much and can't imagine him leaving us. So sorry for your loss :hugs:

28-10-10, 20:57
I'm so sorry about what has happened Joanne. It's heartbreaking when you lose a much loved pet and I really feel for you. We lost our lovely old dog 4 years ago and still miss him terribly - he was so much part of our family. Just wanted to let you know that you're very much in my thoughts. Please take care xx.

28-10-10, 21:30
So sorry Joanna :hugs: losing a pet is a horrible thing to go through xx

28-10-10, 21:31
Dear Joan

I understand your pain and grief. I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are so dear to us, the pain is so real. I pray for your speedy healing.



28-10-10, 22:39
thank you for the rainbow bridge story - a friend got us a card with this on - it is so lovely x

28-10-10, 23:00
I'm so sorry. A few years ago my 13 year old black lab got off of her leash when it was dark. I had her out I the front which she enjoyed. I went out to put her away, and she was gone. Got the awful call from a driver that hit her on the highway and she had died. (Thank goodness he called and let me know). I was devastated, and felt guilty that I should have checked on her earlier. You know how you make yourself feel guilty about such things.
I now have a new yellow lab, it took me two years to get another one.
Pets are family.

28-10-10, 23:06
Oh, I am so very sorry Joanna. I know exactly how you are feeling. My cat died very suddenly many years ago and myself and my parents were devastated. Pets are like members of the family and you feel the loss so much. I still miss my cat desperately and loved the companionship that he gave me, just lounging on my bed, and following me up the road as I left for work.

My thoughts are with you hun.xxx:hugs:

29-10-10, 17:48
Hi, I saw you post and it brought tears to my eyes, I lost my bloved german shepherd in January this year, he was only 7 but not very well, i was heartbroken, we got a little puppy in june and it was lovely to have a little pup in the house, then in August he got run over, he was only 5 months:weep:, i couldnt belive it!
We now have another pup but i cant stop worrying about her everytime she goes out.
I really feel for you, i know how hard it is to loose something so special.

29-10-10, 18:55
:hugs:So sorry joanna.How terribly sad .Thinking of you and sending you a healing Hug luv Sue x:bighug1:

30-10-10, 11:13
oh kerrie - poor you! my neighbour lost her german shepherd this year - he had reached 11 but she is still so devastated she carries his ashes around with her. i am so sorry to hear about your little pup getting run over too. i know what you mean about worrying - we still have 2 dogs but now i want to put them in a big plastic bubble lol so nothing can happen to them!

30-10-10, 11:32
Sending lots of hugs your way, Joanna. I know how you feel, I lost two cats within a few months, and I was absolutely devastated, inconsolable. Just try to remember all the lovely times you had together and what a good life he had. x