View Full Version : Is this really anxiety?

28-10-10, 20:44
I've been having palpitation-type things for a while now. I've randomly fainted a few times (without palpitations) and I sometimes have the feeling in my chest that I can't breathe for about 30 seconds followed by a lurching in my chest, I don't know if that's anything to worry about or if it's muscle-diaphragm related! Anyway, I've seen the doctor about it before, I've had an ECG and it came back fine. I went back today, she listened to my chest, took my blood pressure and my pulse and all was fine, she says she thinks it's either anxiety or 'just one of those harmless things our body sometimes does' but is referring me to another G.P who knows more about cardiac conditions anyway. I don't know whether to be worrying or not. Should I demand more tests? Urgh, I just don't know anymore.

28-10-10, 21:45
Sounds like ectopic heartbeats that are harmless but very unpleasant - your description of the feeling as if you have stopped breathing then the lurch in chest is typical ectopic beat symptom.
I have had ectopics for over 20 yrs and they can be very bad at times up to every 3rd beat is ectopic. They can also make me feel a bit light headed for a second as well.
Most Drs get a 24hr holter ecg done and hopefully they will see the ectopics and can reassure you. As you have also fainted on occasion then the Dr is being super consciensious sending you to a more experienced Dr as rarely a very fast heartbeat can cause fainting to be thankful they are checking and can then reassure you.