View Full Version : No symptoms for a week but now glands up again & pelvic pain

28-10-10, 21:46
After getting my MRI and blood tests back all normal last week I felt fantastic. Had no back ache, pelvic pain or anything else odd going on until yesterday. In fact I was going to post that anxiety must have been mostly to blame for everything I'd been feeling up to last week. But unfortunately as of yesterday the lower back ache is back, low pelvic pain is really bad and I've also noticed (after successfully not prodding around for days) that I can feel a couple of lymph nodes on my left side of neck just above collarbone.

If anyone else has googled about lymph nodes in this location they'll know how scary it is - the general consensus is that you shouldn't be able to feel them at all in this spot, otherwise it's something sinister. They only feel small, about 0.5cm and move around a bit and I think they came up when I was having abdominal issues earlier this year. I have lost some weight and am quite thin across the shoulders and neck area.

Can anyone else feel their nodes in this area, or has had this issue before and it not been anything bad?

Also the pelvic and back ache has got me scared as well, as I'm worried it could be something outside of the view of the ultrasounds that I had back in April. Again, thanks to googling (I never learn!), it sounds like there could be some types of tumours which grow in behind your pelvic and abdominal area, and therefore wouldn't show on an ultrasound.

I've now had whole lot of bloods, MRI of spine (which apparently wouldn't pick up anything outside of that specific area), and chest x-ray within last month, as well as pelvic and abdominal ultrasounds in April and a kidney CT scan in May. I want to believe that there couldn't possibly be anywhere else to look.

Just so annoyed as I felt great for a few days and was so good to feel normal again!

28-10-10, 22:47
I have the same, also one behind my collar bone that pokes out!

28-10-10, 22:55
I have one in side of neck that u can see, it sticks out a bit, and is about 1.5cm-ish and very squishy and moveable. doesnt hurt. but get sharp achey stabby pains in that area every single day. I also have a couple under my chin and jaw but i have to poke the area to be able to feel them. they are little bit painful, more tender though. I have about 6 groin lumps, mostly on right side, they are quite firm, painless (used to be a little bit tender when first noticed them). they arent very moveable atall. I get pain here like sudden sharp aches :( Ive had blood tests and a specific blood test called LDH which tests for lymphoma and cancers (but isnt always accurate my stupid doctor told me...) Ive had ultrasound and it showed swollen lymph nodes. They said probably infection but 5 weeks down the line ive still got them. Im getting more of them. I dont feel unwell and have NOT had an infection ANYWHERE apart from a sore throat at the moment (but they came up 5 weeks ago, only got sore throat last week and even if the neck ones were due to sore throat, this doesnt explain the ones in my groin!) doc said groin and neck are unrelated so yeah, coincidentially i have two infections in two different areas...YEAH RIGHT. I think ive got cancer.