View Full Version : I feel bruised everywhere! lymph nodes STILL enlarged :(

28-10-10, 22:24
Why do i feel bruised everywhere on my body? like if i press lightly on my skin it hurts like a bruise, especially in forearms shoulders neck and back... i hate this anxiety :(

my swollen lymph nodes still havent gone, im freaking out now as i really do think its cancer :( im seeing a doctor monday im petrified :(

theres one about 2cm in size on side of my neck not that far up from my collarbone, it doesnt hurt but its squishy and moveable, so i know thats a good sign.. but being painless isnt... :( the others are in the areas of my neck under chin and jaw... To make it all worse, more lymph nodes have come up in my groin (now on both sides) and they dont hurt either, they are harder and less moveable than the ones in my neck..

They first come up 5 weeks ago, went to hospital, did bloods and ultrasound, ultrasound showed swollen lymph nodes and to come back if they get bigger.. well i cant exactly say theyve got bigger but im getting more of them... and they bother me and are giving me panic attacks again :(

i dont feel unwell, and dont have any infection of any kind, so i really am finding it hard to blv this is down to a virus or infection...plus, all my bloods were clear so this shows i wasnt fighting an infection as white blood cell count would be up right?

Im worried sick now as i rly fort theyd be gone by now :( Im not having night sweats or fever or any other symptom of cancer... but i know not all people get these symptoms...

Im so scared, please help :(

PS. on a positive note, i had an echocardiogram due to palps with dizziness and faintness and its all-clear. my heart is perfect apparently, so i no longer have heart anxiety and dont think im just guna drop dead now lol. but this cancer thing is drowning this good news out....:(

28-10-10, 22:36
PS. on a positive note, i had an echocardiogram due to palps with dizziness and faintness and its all-clear. my heart is perfect apparently, so i no longer have heart anxiety and dont think im just guna drop dead now lol. but this cancer thing is drowning this good news out....:(

I had to laugh when I read this (and not in a bad way).

You were so worried about the heart yet this was a PS in your thread and now you have found something else to worry about.

This is so typical HA I am afraid.

You should be so happy that the heart is ok but I feel it is now overlooked with another issue to worry about and that is sad really.

28-10-10, 22:37
Sorry to hear you're still having troubles with this. I know how you feel, just posted about my enlarged lymph nodes as well! I had the GP feel the ones I thought were up in my groin area and she didn't even think they were lymph nodes that I was feeling. I didn't ask her about the ones in my neck/collarbone area because I was too focused on the other stuff and forgot! I also haven't had any viruses or colds that I know about for about a year. I did have a bladder infection earlier in the year but not sure if that type of infection would affect these lymph nodes.

Did you have the ultrasound on the ones on your neck and in your groin area?

Sounds like the doctors weren't concerned about them which is promising, and I'm sure it's worse because you're touching them and become more aware of them. But keep us updated what happens.

28-10-10, 22:41
Exactly the same! Lymph nodes up everywhere and feel bruised! 6 months or more now been this way!!!! & I get occasional night sweats, weekly at least!

28-10-10, 23:05
i agree nicola it is sad, but i was worrying about this BEFORE my echo, not after, so i knew that even if my heart scan was normal i would still be frettin' about my lymph nodes. and because i have got all these lumps, i know these are NOT anxiety, so even more so of a reason to worry really. I wish i could 100% believe the blood tests but i jusdt cant seem to tell myself its all normal and ok. i mean, groin and neck lymph nodes that stick out and dont hurt that have been there for 5 weeks?! not normal in my eyes :( grrr i hate this :( ah well, docs monday! hopefully theyl sort me out!

28-10-10, 23:07
You see this is exactly what the Dr said to me. Cure your heart anxiety and you'll worry about something else. Low and behold something else has now happened to me :( It's neverending.