View Full Version : i may have a brain tumour

28-10-10, 22:35
:blush:can anyone advise. i had an mri scan and and an ecg after headaches , confusion, loss of balance , etc, after both tests i was told i would need to see my consultant again . they said they were not allowed to tell me why. on monday this week i went to my doctors . he showed me part of the report which i didnt understand but it said . small mass. t2 pheripheral changes and other things i didnt understand. now i have recieved an appointed to go and see my consultant on this monday coming . but no other information , about what is wrong with me. so im thinking its pretty quickly they are calling me back . are they keeping something from me? . has anybody experienced anything similar. any advice would be appreciated , as im really worrying

28-10-10, 22:35
i mean eeg . not ecg . sorry

28-10-10, 22:53
Hi Sugar and welcome to the forum. :)

No, I don't have personal experience of this but appreciate what a worrying time it must be for you, there is nothing worse than when doctors leave you playing guessing games.

I think all you can do is to try not to anticipate what the actual results might mean hun, so often the scariest sounding things are not as fearsome as we may think.

We are all here for you if you need to post and let off steam or just need someone to talk to. :hugs:

28-10-10, 22:59
:yesyes:oh . love. thankyou very much ,you are an angel .

28-10-10, 23:03
Many many years ago i had stroke like symptoms and had two massive fits (not epilepsy). I had to go through a series of tests and they found a shadow on my brain, they could not explain what had caused it or why it was there.

I was given medication to prevent it happening again, and to this day it hasn't.

I can understand the awful wait you have, but its not always what we think it is.

Do stay on the forum and we'll support you best we can, the waiting for test results can be so worrying.

di x

28-10-10, 23:03
Well, I always say angelic by name (I'm Angie :D) angelic by nature..:noangel:

Apparently some on this forum don't agree.:winks:

Glad to have you with us. :hugs:

28-10-10, 23:07
Sorry you have this to worry about :hugs:. I hope it's nothing serious - please let us know what happens x