View Full Version : Have I got a tumour or MS?

28-10-10, 22:54
I am really worrying myself about my tingling arms and legs. The aching in my arms has got better than it was earlier in the week. My legs still ache, but they are usually better when I am up and about.

However I was sat earlier on the sofa using the keys on my mobile phone and both my arms went tingly, pins and needles.

When I was standing earlier my legs started cramping up.

I am so worried about what it happening to me. I can't stop thinking all the time about MS or a tumour.

I have had blood tests and a couple of optical tests of which both were unremarkable.

I am starting to think that all my anxiety might be caused by a tumour pressing on something.

I'm going out of my mind with worry and can't really talk to anyone I know because they all don't like hearing me worry.

28-10-10, 22:58
These are typical anxiety symptoms as well though

28-10-10, 22:58
I dont think this is MS or tumour, ud have severe symptoms that were very debilitating if u had one of those im sure. Howdver i can see how u feel as i think the same about myself. I think ive got cancer, ms, mnd or spinal tumours.. blood tests/ct scan brain/ultrasound in abdomen/chest xrays/echo all normal... im fed up :( my symptoms are REAL. But i just dont know wot to think :( I think what ur suffering from is tension. The pins and needles could be overbrwathing, or muscle tension. Have u told ur doctor? Maybe he could refer u to a Neurologist? Take care :)

28-10-10, 22:59
I was getting terrible tingling, numbness and twitching for the past 6 weeks or so and was also scared that I had a tumour causing pressure on something. I had a brain and whole spine MRI and it was all normal. I also had nerve conduction test which showed up I had less reaction in my nerves on one side and they said this was likely due to some wear and tear in my neck, but this would only cause the arm numbness not tingles in the foot. As nothing showed up on the scan, I'm putting these particular symptoms down to anxiety. I think yours probably sounds like anxiety related as well, but can know how it feels to worry that it's something worse.

28-10-10, 23:02
Yes I've seen my GP and she said that if she thought there was something serious she'd be referring me. So that is reassuring but the tingling thing has happened of course since I saw her as these things always do.

My shoulders and neck have been tense so I can almost rule that down to tension, when I fell asleep on the settee the other day my last two fingers on my right hand had gone numb. This has happened to me before in bed and I got it sorted at the chiropractor.

But it's just the legs that worry me the most. It's like if I stand for too long they cramp and twitch. I do have some pain in my lower back but would this really cause these problems?

But also that the legs and the arms at the same time....

28-10-10, 23:04
Plus add in random attacks of nausea every now and again and a dodgy tummy...

28-10-10, 23:06
my fella had this and he had mri of his spine and he had slipped disc... really common. ask ur doc for an mri x

28-10-10, 23:14
my fella had this and he had mri of his spine and he had slipped disc... really common. ask ur doc for an mri x

If the GP thought there was a chance it could be a brain problem then they would refer to Neurology..MRI's don't come cheap and other things should be ruled out first.

Your symptoms don't fit in with MS Dodo honestly, lots of people get a cramping sensation if they stand in one place for too long. Also the fact that a chiropractor helped should reassure you a bit hun. :)

30-10-10, 23:27
Hi you are not alone with how you are feeling ive had pain in my calfs for a couple of weeks Dr mentioned possible sciatica & now cant stand up straight due to lower back pain but i also keep thinking ms, mine feels slightly better when laying down.

31-10-10, 13:21
hiya dodo,
The trouble you are having with your legs maybe coming from your back. I have arthritis in my muscles at the bottom of my backand that affects my legs---- but I am young 66 so I'm doing ok for my age. If you are very concerned tho please ask for a brain scan

31-10-10, 22:06
Well the good news is my legs and arms are a lot better. I have had trouble with my lower back for some years which has got a lot worse since I had my child. I did a lot of walking the past couple of days and the standing for long periods etc made my hips ache, but that's nothing new. So at least one thing seems to be righting itself.

31-10-10, 23:55
no tumour or MS just nerves wish you better god bless