View Full Version : Tough tonight in Devon - emotional claustrophobia

29-10-10, 00:31
Just registered and first post. Have to accept that I do get panic attacks and GAD even though my social persona is 'cool and assured'! That's taken a battering when I burst into tears in the Dr's waiting room this morning. Couple of weeks back I was on cloud 9 - and now I'm scared to go to sleep!
Sounds stupid maybe but our cat is seriously ill and we know he's nearly at the end - we've done all the tests and even got a 2nd opinion today. Seems most likely now that it's a brain tumour. Vet's given him a steroid injection which has perked him up a bit, but we know it's temporary - how the he'll do you weigh up giving him some more life (and not playing god) against what he might be going through and the stress and pain it's causing me and my girlfriend to see our once lively cat withering before us?! I can't stand the thought of making the decision to put him to sleep - one moment he's with us, the next he's dead! That sends me into panic. To some people who maybe a bit harder than I am might think 'it's just a cat' but I get like an emotional claustrophobia when I think I won't be able to see someone or something again. Last night I tried to sleep and immediately dreamt he was already dead and I couldn't stand it - I woke in a panic like I was suffocating and had to get out of the house in the air. This only works so far as it's like no-one or nothing can change the situation and then this escalates the panic. Hence I'm afraid to sleep tonight. Anyone else get this kind of 'emotional claustrophobia' as I call it that you can't ever see someone again and you have to get out but even then no one can actually change the situation and so you panic more - or is it just me?
I've also had an annoying whistling in my ear for the last week which has also sent me into anxiety, fearing it will be permanent, even though the Dr on Monday said it was caused my congestion and there was nothing he could do and it would go of it's own accord. This didn't do anything to reassure me and it's only when I went back to see a different Dr this morning in a real state that she reassured me it was just catarrh and gave me steroid spray to clear it . She spent some time with me and asked if there was anything else going on - at which point I blurted out about the situation with our cat and which I confessed sounded lame but it was as it was - she then gave me a few days supply of diazepam to help with breaking the cycle of anxiety. Maybe I should take one yet I'm afraid it might 'numb my consciousness' and I feel I want to be fully alert in case I 'lose something' and then can't get it back while I'm 'comatose'. Stupid I know but that's how the panic feels - like this emotional claustrophobia which I now realise is a sort of panic attack.
Don't know if this is a usual type of forum post but it's helped to write it.

29-10-10, 01:16
I'm sorry for what you are going through.
I lost my mother about a month and a half ago, and the realization that I can't talk to her any more is very anxiety producing.
I lost my dog a few years ago and it was very traumatic. It's hard.
Hang in there and in time, you will feel better.

29-10-10, 01:20
It will be a hard decision to make, but when the time comes I am sure you will make the right one.


Panic attacks differ for us all, but you do sound very anxious, I hope you are able to get some more sleep soon. Feeling helpless can cause the worst kind of panic.

Trust the doctor (hah, my own advice again)

paula lynne
29-10-10, 01:33
Hi Timbo just wanted to welcome you. x
Im sorry you are going through a difficult time, and hope things improve for you very soon. x:welcome:

29-10-10, 10:01
You really do need to trust your doctor and take the meds - I was on that to start with to help break the cycle of my anxiety about going out and about to various places and it really does help. Just take a small dose to start with ( I only needed half of a 2mg tablet for my first dose ) so depending on the strength just take half to start with and go from there. It just takes the edge off the anxiety it doesn't turn you in to a zombie or anything like that unless you take a large dose.

29-10-10, 22:07
Please dont worry read my theory on panic - this is a wonderful site full of support from genuine panic sufferers let me know your thoughts you will get through this and be stronger.
John xx

30-10-10, 13:48
Hi Timbo

I'm really sorry that you're going through such a hard time just now. You must be feeling so upset about your dear cat - it's really hard when you're faced with a difficult decision like this (and no, it's not 'just a cat'!) I fully understand your position as I was in your shoes over 4 years ago when our beloved dog was very ill. Having him put to sleep was heartbreaking. My husband & I felt awful and still do, yet we know deep down that it was the kindest thing to do. He would have had no quality of life and he was a dog who loved & lived life to the full, which is how we remember him. I still get tearful about it though.:weep:

Stressful events in life can set off panic in the most 'cool and assured' of people and since you're having a pretty tough time at the moment, it's maybe just been building up without you realising. Lots of people on NMP will understand how you're feeling. You'll get loads of support on here. Take care.:)

Vanilla Sky
30-10-10, 15:15
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: You will find it helpful here
Paige x

30-10-10, 19:02
Hey, it's good to know there's people out there! How many of us are there?
Managed to get through the night and yesterday evening I took a diazepam and had my first relief from anxiety for 7 days.
Hope I can help other people out on the forum as well just by being on the other end of a post.

30-10-10, 21:43
please put the cat to sleep if it's suffering.
I had to put mine to sleep, there was some hope she'd get better but she didn't and my regret is not putting her to sleep sooner.

30-10-10, 23:21
Hi Timbo

Coming from Devon also and having just lost my dog to Carcinoma. Apparently it is common in this breed and the average age was 7. It was hard and I agree I did not want to be God and make the decision which I know through personal experience medical people can be wrong and often. I decided to let him have his last few months at home in total luxury. I did everything for him and when the time came he would not come in and we found him the next morning. The great thing was he had died peacefully. I was pleased that it had gone the best it could and peacefully. On the plus side I helped him pass peacefully and not undergoing operation after operation. I was told that we are the only living being that knows we are going to die so at least you can relax knowing your cat is not fretting about whats going to happen. Life is terminal by definition. A sexually transmitted condition that is terminal.

Keep it together my friend. Focus your energy on keeping the little chap comfortable and as happy as can be.

Take Care
