View Full Version : Female question

29-10-10, 02:02
Hi ladies,

My worry for the week is this, I was shaving my vag, and noticed a few freckle like marks on the outer labia, it seems they are more like pigmentation spots, I could have had them for a long time but just noticed they arent raised, nor hurt or itch. I have an appt tomorrow. My mom thinks I'm a freak for going. I have googled tons and found no info. My health anxiety is at a level 10.
My mom asked what do you think could be wrong? Cancer of course, she said no cancer looks like that, that there is nothing wrong, if only I can believe what she says. I called my local clinic and explained the way they looked to the nurse, she said it sounded hormonal....argh I hate being this way! I just want to STOP caring about things a normal person would just brush off.

29-10-10, 02:51
Ahhh, it's going to be ok, don't jump to conclustions right away, in most cases it's something very minor and fixable. The wrose thing u are doing is stressin over it. listen to your mom she knows best you know!! Thinking happy thoughts for you!!