View Full Version : Scared it's something more then it is. Help Me!

29-10-10, 02:21
K, I thought I was over this, but apparantly not. H.A. is back!! I went for a short walk with my mom and when i can back I noticed upper back pain, im scared it's lung cancer, I used to be a smoker, now im a light smoker smoke when i drink that is. but sometimes when i smoked the next day my back hurt and chest pains that would last a day or two. After my walk it's just my upper middle back that hurts, not coughing that is my only syptom so far, ive been to doctors in the past and they would listen to my lungs and say that's seems good. or they don't hear anything unsually. my back feels almost tinglely like numb now. could it be cause i have poor posture and more weight in my stomach then I used to have meaning my boobs are bigger too cause of wieght. I am sure hoping for some answers, I had a Health Anxiety Book but sold it to my theripst, now I'm regreting that. GRrrrr! Thanks so much for reading this, please give me something positve to go on!! :)

29-10-10, 02:25
K, and you know, I actually didn't even googled this time, I came to this site and this is the site that gave me the scare this time, isn't that ironic, or something!

29-10-10, 02:31
It could just be muscle pain. Like you said you have poor posture. You also could have turned weird and pulled something. Stay positive, I know exactly how you feel and have had the exact same thoughts as you (and I don't even SMOKE, haha.) What is health anxiety book you speak of, I think I'd be interested in something like that but I've never been able to find anything.

29-10-10, 02:39
Thanks for the reply. The book I bought, was online at amazon.com it costed me a lot, and it wasn't what i thought it would be, hey could this be maybe from acid reflex the back pain. Yeah go to that site u may be able to find a book right for you. :)

30-10-10, 21:39
Ok, back pain gone it lasted like less then a day. I stopped thinking about it and vala, gone!! So most things are all in your head, but at the sametime pain is very much very real. Weird how it works! So in other words hang in there, it will get better!!