View Full Version : suddenly feel really depressed

29-10-10, 06:18
Hi, im suddenly feeling really really depressed, never felt quite like this before, I've often felt midly depressed but it just suddenly kicked a week or so ago, i cant be bothered to do anything, im not really interested in what people are saying to me im pretty much just pretending to listen to be polite but mostly i dont really care what they're saying much, i cant seem to motivate myself to go out to work, i keep having stupid thoughts that my friends dont really like me much anymore or find me boring (think its cos i find myself boring at the moment) and when i do try to have conversations its full of lots of uncomfortable silences and im constantly trying hard to think of things to say or keep forgetting what i was about to say, when usually i can just rabbit on like nobodys business, i feel like i've lost all my confidence, i dont really get why im feeling like this im supposed to be really happy at the moment as im getting married in a month, i have had a fairly stressfull past few months but it normally kicks in with just a load of anxiety for a while but i think im so worn down with it now im just massively fed up :weep:, sorry i dont really know what im asking i just wanted to talk about it a bit.


29-10-10, 09:20
Hi there. :hugs:You have had a lot on your plate, don't forget with the wedding coming up (congrats by the way!):yesyes: , you have felt mildly depressed before and you suffer from anxiety, so don't be too hard on yourself. Are you on any meds for the anxiety/and or depression?

29-10-10, 13:00
yeah i know its just i feel particularly terrible at the moment, i seem to be constantly ill, if its not anxiety its this stupid cough i've had for ages or toothache or costrocondritis or some pain i keep getting in my toe and knee, its on and on and its really getting me down, nope not on any meds, never have done for the 15 years i've had anxiety.

29-10-10, 13:04
yeah i know its just i feel particularly terrible at the moment, i seem to be constantly ill, if its not anxiety its this stupid cough i've had for ages or toothache or costrocondritis or some pain i keep getting in my toe and knee, its on and on and its really getting me down, nope not on any meds, never have done for the 15 years i've had anxiety.

Why don't you go and see your GP and have a chat, see what they suggest, it can't hurt. :hugs:

29-10-10, 13:06
i would think that you have emotionally worn yourself out with the wedding coming up - its just an intensification of symptoms you have suffered previously. even though i really wanted to get married - because it was "official" and a serious commitment - i remember looking at my husband checking that i really wanted to go through with it lol and so perhaps there is a bit of that going on?

i am sure once you are married and everything settles down - you will feel better x

29-10-10, 13:06
i think the pains you keep suffering are just a reflection of your mood at present and they will improve once your mood does xx