View Full Version : Weird feelings in chest

29-10-10, 06:37
Just wondering if anyone else experiences this as well. The only way I can really describe it is as chest gurgling.. Like how your stomach makes noises but i feel it in my left chest. It only lasts like 2-3 seconds at a time but it's definitely annoying. Does anyone else experience this or know what causes it? Thanks

29-10-10, 17:47
Yea I get this sometimes! I can't say for sure what it is but is probably trapped wind in your chest or indigestion! x

29-10-10, 17:56
i think i get this too, id describle mine as a feeling of tiny bubbles

29-10-10, 23:45
I get this too, no idea what it is though... I would imagine it's trapped air or something. x

30-10-10, 00:46
indigestion at a guess