View Full Version : gallstones

29-10-10, 06:50
9 yrs ago when i had my 2nd son they told me i had gallstones,and i could have my gallbladder taken out,i only had couple attacks ,so decidded to leave it there,carried on as normal eating what i liked to be honest,ive prob had about 5 major really painful attacks in 9 yrs,this last year i had been getting back pain on the right hand side and slight pain at times in the front,(when thie originally happened i thought it was gonna be a gallbladder attack) but it didnt flare right up.this been going on and off for few months,pain was worse in back than front,and going away for weeks ,then coming backmostly just at the back.i saw the doc as i didnt know if it might have been my kidney,so i had ultrasound of all my abdomen couple weeks ago,nothing showed up apart from gallstones.she said she could refer me for surgery ir i can wait see how i go,(petrified of surgery) so came away from docs ,quite happy,after all them gallstones been there 9 yrs ,then for some mad reason decided to google gallstone and up came ruptured gallbladder,and read this person was told to have surgery else their gllbladder would rupture!! so now am in a state here,i havnt had any pain for few weeksand when i do its not the severe agony pain i have had before with gallstones,its just achy pain over right kidney and slight pain in front,i dont know what to do ,tell cos i want surgery or leave it see how it goes

29-10-10, 11:41
That'll teach you to Google! :winks:

Seriously..there is absolutely no need for you to worry. If anything was about to rupture, trust me, you would know all about it..it hurts like hell!

It is totally possibe to have gallstones and have either no or very little pain, if that's the case then surgery isn't required.

I had my gallbladder removed nearly 3 years ago but that was after months of excruciating pain (nearly on a par with childbirth :scared15:), I was also getting terrible painful attacks whenever I ate anything, regardless of what it was.

So..if they are not bothering you, leave well alone! You always have the option to discuss it with your GP and change your mind if needed.

Take care :flowers:

Hazel B
29-10-10, 11:42
Hi, I have a gallstone and am on the waiting list to have my gallbladder removed. The pain I have started in April and it's now really bad every night, even though I'm on a low fat diet. I want the op as the pain stops me sleeping and I have a high threshold normally. I had lots of operations when I was a child, so that doesn't worry me. It's usually keyhole and only takes 40 minutes.

Best wishes making your decision and try to stay off "Dr Google"!

29-10-10, 13:08
oh that damn dr google lol ,why i had to look i dont know,i already knew i had gallstones and have had them for 9 yrs not having too many problems ,and not giving them a second thought really ,am still unsure what to do about surgery as they are not bothering me too much,niggle back pain and slight ache under right rib now and then, one good thing is by me focussing on my gallstones all the time im not checking my blood pressure all the time,its mad how we seem to focus on one thing then when something else comes along we forget the first thing that was troubling us ! thank you for your replies

Hazel B
29-10-10, 15:20
Pleasure! It's good to know other poeple have the same issue! As Ladybird, I'm now at the stage where everything I eat gives my tummmy and right hand side pain, so the sooner it's out the better!

I think you would have a really high temperature before any rupture, so please try not to worry.

Avoid the Google!

30-10-10, 22:34
At the end I was begging them to bring my date forward for my op as everything I ate caused pain - even salad! I dropped to 8 stone and looked really ill. I was so glad to get rid of it! Loads of people have them and don't know, and I don't think you would suddenly get an inflamed gallbladder. If you're worried why not pop to your GP again and see what they advise?

31-10-10, 13:07

I had to have my gall bladder removed a few years ago and i am fine now and can eat most things. i dont even notice i dont have one. its your decision you can see how its goes and try a diet to help it. tc

31-10-10, 13:14
Just replied to you on "Gallbladder Removal post" by Hoarse.
Ive copied & pasted it here just incase u dont see it on there. x

OMG, thats more or less the same story as mine only ive only got a few small stones!
Doc said exactly the same to me (I had a few Bad attacks at 1st which sent me to A&E) that was back in June, since then ive been watching my diet & had been fine up till a few weeks ago, Like u i have an almost constant right hand back pain & ache under front rib, its not like the attacks but its uncomfortable.
Went back docs 7 told her but she seemed to think it was muscular, gave me tabs but nothing takes it off appart from a hot water bottle or sitting with my back against the radiator.
Anyhow i decided go ahead with the surgery so got an appointment on 22nd Nov with surgeon!
Never had surgery so im really anxious about it but on the other hand will be glad get rid of the pesky things, lol.
If your still getting mither id go for it, ive tried everything, milk thistle, liver cleanses, AC vinegar, cutting out dairy, wheat etc, u name it ive done it. Yes i was pain free for a few months but getting the aches almost every day now so im thinking best get rid of the bloody pain! lol.