View Full Version : Leg Pain

29-10-10, 11:40

I haven't posted on here for a while but my health anxiety is at an all time high now and it is really getting me down.
At the moment I have a DVT worry, I have a sharp pain in my right leg (right behind my knee) and it is worse when I am walking, not too bad when resting but alot worse again when I move after resting.
All I can picture now is a blood clot forming and causing a pulmonary embolism :blush::scared15:

I hate this anxiety about my health as my body is so sensitive to everything and every tiny twinge sets off a terrible fear which sets off my anxiety which just in general is horrible.

A couple of weeks ago i had a blood test, it came back ok but high vitamin b12 levels, my doctor said it was because I take multi vitamins but hmmm this has never happened before and I have been taking a multi vitamin for years and years and blood tests I have had previous to this have never shown high vitb12 levels.
So anyway silly me got home and googled and leukemia is related to high vitb12 levels :weep:
Now I am wondering if my painful legs are a sign of leukemia!! :scared15:

Arghhhhh I hate this anxiety!!!

30-10-10, 03:20
Ahhh stop Googling!!! Makes everything 1000 times worse! Maybe you've changed the brand of vitamins or the brand has put more vitb12 in? Maybe you're producing the perfect amount nowadays and you don't need vitb12? I have no clue about vitamins 2bh but could be something like that.

If the doctor thought there was any chance of you having leukemia he would have sent you for more tests. Maybe go back to your doc and say about your leg and your worries about vitb12=luekemia and he could put your mind at rest?

Your leg pain sounds muscular, like you've strained or pulled it cuz it eases up when you rest and when you start walking or moving again it hurts. DVT is supposedly excruciatingly painful and doesn't ease up wether you're moving or sitting.

Sorry to hear you're feeling so bad right now, I really hope you feel better soon. :) xx

30-10-10, 07:14
I agree with everything the above poster said. I'm only replying to give you extra re-assurance. Definitely don't see Dr. Google for a medical consult. Think of it this way, you had blood work done, if you had leukemia it probably would have shown up on your blood panel.

If you only have leg pain when you're walking, it sounds like you strained or pulled something.

I hope you and your leg feel better soon :)

30-10-10, 07:54
Maybe you need new shoes, not having enough support cause feet, ankle, knee pain and leg pain oh and lower back pain, ive got no arch in my feet so i get those a lot,

Also most cerals have added b12 and some other foods like soups n things , so that could make your levels higer,

Cell block H fan
30-10-10, 10:38
Crikey your post could have been made by me a few weeks ago lol
I had the exact same thing, after a few days I was even convinced it had moved slightly. So of course this was the clot moving up towards my heart wasn't it! :wacko:
Anyway, I kept my cool, left it be & about a week later it stopped.
So I now put it down to muscular.
I bet yours will be fine in no time.
I have no idea wat happened with mine, one minute it was fine, the next it appeared.
Probably wont ever find out what caused it.

30-10-10, 11:00

I have the pain in my leg and sore behind the knee, hurts to bend it and painful to walk up the stairs. Its probably a muscular pain.

As for the leukemia, your blood results would of been abnormal so please dont worry about it being that.

love mandie x

30-10-10, 19:57
Thanks everyone for your replies...My leg pain has eased a bit today so it might well be muscular and I will try and brave it to the doctors about my leukemia fears.
Thank you all xx