View Full Version : Waiting for doctor to ring (panicking)

29-10-10, 15:52
I've been feeling really light headed and faint everyday recently, and having hot flushes. My head and face would feel like its burning while the rest of my body just feels normal.
My fiance has googled my symptoms because i told him i wouldnt do that, and just thinks its maybe my thyroid playing up, i'm on 100mg thyroxine tablets and was put on them for 6 months because my dose is meant to be right now so not due to be checked again until January.

I rang the doctors and waiting for one of them to call me back, i have extemely bad social phobia and agoraphobia, i've been sick with panic about them ringing, and more so incase they say they need to see me or send me to hospital!

I feel awful with panic, feeling so sick and shaking. I really cant face seeing the doctor.

margaret jones
29-10-10, 16:42
Miss Moose sorry you are feeling poorly try not to worry just wait and see what the GP says and take it from there
Hope all is ok xxxx