View Full Version : sore stingy/burning skin anyone or just me????

29-10-10, 20:01
I was just wondering if anyone has experienced this toi'm getting it mostly at the back of my neck leading down to my upper back but i also get it on the top of my thighs going partially down my legs.
Its worrying me a bit and wondered if anyone had any ideas of what this could be.:shrug:

29-10-10, 21:18
Guess thats a no then:weep:

Carly Lou
29-10-10, 23:22
ive had this but when i have been severely anxious or having a panic attack ??? xxx

29-10-10, 23:28
i have that right now

Rachel W
30-10-10, 00:21
I have heard that this can be due to anxiety and stress. I sometimes get sensitive patches, especially in areas that lightly rub during the day (such as the skin on the arm next to my underwire, or on the lower arm that rubs on my trousers. I DO have another issue but am not sure if you get this as well, but it is on my back mostly:

I have a feeling that my back is more sensitive to heat. i.e. when I am leaning against a surface such as the couch or a pillow it feels as if I am leaning against a heat pad. As soon as I lean away from the warm surface it goes away (immediately). It then takes a while to build up again if I lean against the surface. I sometimes get it on the front if clothes are tight and trapping heat, and also on my legs but I use a laptop and I think I have irritated the skin.

Mine all started in the mid-winter. I was spending a lot of times indoors and my parents keep the heat on VERY high. They also have leather couches which i don't think helps. I tried keeping my window open at night and moisturiser but nothing relieved it. I was worried it might have been something like neuropathy but thought that a good test was if I spent more time outdoors and less in a heated house.

After 2.5 months of being uncomfortable I went on a field trip and was hiking a lot. When I got back I went out a little more and also the heat was on less. Low and behold it got better.

The feelings returned in August when I was spending more times indoors again and the heating was periodically put on. It is really bad again.

I am heading home next week to non-leather couches and less heating. Also I plan on going out more again as I will once again have a car. I just hope and pray that it goes away.

May I ask an additional question in fact?

I am terrified of neuropathy and lately (after spending a lot of time leaning over and painting some art) I started to get shooting pains and achiness in my feet and hands. I do not have lowered sensitivity though and can still feel hot and cold. Does anyone else have this and could it be strain rather than PN? I sometimes get a numbness feeling inside my right hand after using the computer, but had similar issues 2 years back and had a normal EMG and NCV, although it did not seem as bad, although definite stiffness then. I am very scared about this. Does anyone get it? My lower legs will also feel warm, but not to touch.

30-10-10, 11:07
i have had skin that is too sore to touch for several days at a time but i have always put it down to a virus? i have thought is strange but never really worried about it x

01-11-10, 16:16
Rachael w
Sorry to hear you are also having a hard time with things,i'm afraid i can't relate to your symptoms,i had'nt heard of neuropathy before i try not to google anymore as have scared myself witless with various things i have found on there.
I do get alot of shooting pains in various places in my body but there is no pattern to it and dos'nt sound like what you have been expierencing.
Can i ask what meds you are on?

Rachel W
02-11-10, 01:20
I am not on any meds. I used to be on Prozac for OCD but it stopped really helping so I decided that I did not want to take them any more.

24-09-18, 13:00
I have the same problem does any one know the reason