View Full Version : Headaches and memory?

30-10-10, 02:32
Hey guys

Its been a while since i last posted since i was just about managing to keep my health anxiety at bay but ive had a sudden flare up of symptoms.
I've started experiencing headaches, they are constant and are like a dull ache coming and going and can be anywhere on the head also occasionally ill get a strange feeling on patches of my head aswell like a very mild pins and needles. This has been accompanied by my memory becoming worse like forgetting where i put things etc however i think i have had this before when anxious hopefully its just the same symptom again. Have any of you experienced memory symptoms?

Whats really bothering me is the headaches because obviously ive got into my head brain tumours which seems to be a favourite of the health anxiety sufferer :shrug: However it is strange that when i exercise it seems to go away and when i can actually socialise i notice it disappears then as well?

Im just so scared that there is a very serious underlying problem :weep:

Replies appreciated :D

30-10-10, 03:08
Sounds like tension headaches. I'm getting them quite a lot myself for the past week or so! If it was brain tumor headaches I don't think they would ease up when you do stuff like exercise? Idk for sure though cuz I'm not a doctor lol. Hot baths and lavander oil work wonders on my tension headaches! Also head massages if I find somebody bored enough to give me one lol. :D

I get trouble with memory and stuff, most recent one being me forgetting my who my own cat was! Also, stupid things liek not remembering to shut the microwave door or not remembering wether I took a tablet or not, silly things really! There have been a couple of posts about it on here since I've been here, seems that when you're anxious, you're head is full of anxious thoughts so stuff like remembering where you put things is pushed to the back of your mind.

Also could be because you're worrying about a brain tumor so you're noticing memory issues A LOT more than you would if you weren't worried about it. Everyone forgets stuff now and again but they don't take any notice of it because they aren't worried about brain tumors if you get me? xx