View Full Version : Gallbladder removal

30-10-10, 10:38
Just a point of interest for those who have been told they could possibly have Gallstones related pain.

I suffered from this about 2 years ago and after a scan (eventually), no actual gallstones were visible. That is to say, until I was told to move over onto my side whilst the doctor held the scanner on the area. It was then noticed that I had very small crystals but nothing very big to justify the agony I was suffering.

However, small gallstones can be just as troublesome as large ones because they tend to migrate or move around.

But, the interesting point here is that after my gallbladder removal (which incidently was completely painless) my symptoms still persisited for over a year. My surgeon informed me that the gallbladder was very inflamed but they did NOT remove any stones!

Now I am not saying that my gallbladder did not have to be removed but considering they left the stones/crystals behind (which obviously disappear on their own accord or at least I bloody well hope so) it was later queried by me as to whether I needed the operation in the first place?

It was then presumed that my 'inflammed' gallbladder was probably the result of too much acidity in my stomach causing the discomfort rather than actual gallstones.

Sound familiar?

I'm not saying this is the case in everyone suffering from this diagnosis, but unless you have actually been scanned and gallstones are seen to be the major cause then consider that acid may also be one of the culprits.

Obviously, I am not a doctor and therefore always follow your GPs advice, but it's just a thought.

30-10-10, 12:27
i posted about gallstones couple days ago, had them for 9 yrs,had scan couple weeks ago and they said i had multiple stones,then doc said seing they not giving me much problems,(i get right hand back pain and slight ache under front rib ) she said it was up to me i could see how i go or she would refer me to surgeon , i thought my back pain was my kidneys but they scanned them too and they were all ok ,so now i got the dilemma have the op or not

30-10-10, 12:41
The trouble is if you leave them they can always get worse (providing that is the reason for your pain of course). I know some people can live with them without too much aggro but there is always a risk that they will flair up when you least want them to, on holiday for example!

The op is no big deal. Normally keyhole and home the same day. Only you can make the choice.

30-10-10, 22:25
I had 30 small pea sized stones in my gallbladder and a so glad to have had it removed. The pain is like nothing on earth, and the little ones are the worst as as you said, they move out of the gallbladder and get stuck on route out of the body causing some very nasty pain and sometimes more serious issues.

I would vote for it out every time if you actually do have stones. I have managed fine without mine now for 6 years. Yes I get indigestion if I have a very rich meal, but it's a small price to pay.

I had to stay the night just because my op was later in the day, but it was pretty straightforward with 4 very small scars.

31-10-10, 08:48
well ive had about 5 flare ups in 9 years,first time it happened doc said was kidney infection,then hapoened when i was pregnant with my 2nd son,but the pain i get now is more in my back this comes and goes,and its not too bad to be honest and i also get a niggly pain at the front at times too but it also feels as if its muscular.i can eat mostly what i want but i have been avoiding too much fat as i know the flare up pain is almost unbearable

31-10-10, 11:39
Well I get pain around my kidneys every now and again, especially if I've been on PC for a longtime or sitting in one place.

Don't forget also that as we are anxiety sufferers, we get pain all over the place which 9 times out of 10 is just symptoms and normally quite harmless. However, pain is pain in my opinion. Have you also considered possible IBS?
I suffer from this and it can produce similar problems which can be similar to gallstones, admittedly not in everyone, but does in my case.

31-10-10, 13:01
Thanks for the advice!
Ive got an appointment with the surgeon 22nd Nov, I have a few small gallstones, been watching my diet which has helped but last month or so ive been getting back/stomach ache so decided go ahead with the op. So glad to hear its not too bad, ive been petrified as ive nevr had GA or any sort of operation before! and you read such horrific stories about people been even worse after they have their gallbladder removed! I really didnt want the op but cant put up with the niggly constant pain much longer.

31-10-10, 13:09
i posted about gallstones couple days ago, had them for 9 yrs,had scan couple weeks ago and they said i had multiple stones,then doc said seing they not giving me much problems,(i get right hand back pain and slight ache under front rib ) she said it was up to me i could see how i go or she would refer me to surgeon , i thought my back pain was my kidneys but they scanned them too and they were all ok ,so now i got the dilemma have the op or not

OMG, thats more or less the same story as mine only ive only got a few small stones!
Doc said exactly the same to me (I had a few Bad attacks at 1st which sent me to A&E) that was back in June, since then ive been watching my diet & had been fine up till a few weeks ago, Like u i have an almost constant right hand back pain & ache under front rib, its not like the attacks but its uncomfortable.
Went back docs 7 told her but she seemed to think it was muscular, gave me tabs but nothing takes it off appart from a hot water bottle or sitting with my back against the radiator.
Anyhow i decided go ahead with the surgery so got an appointment on 22nd Nov with surgeon!
Never had surgery so im really anxious about it but on the other hand will be glad get rid of the pesky things, lol.
If your still getting mither id go for it, ive tried everything, milk thistle, liver cleanses, AC vinegar, cutting out dairy, wheat etc, u name it ive done it. Yes i was pain free for a few months but getting the aches almost every day now so im thinking best get rid of the bloody pain! lol.

31-10-10, 13:09
The only note of caution I would utter here is that just because gallstones are seen on scan don't assume instantly that any pain is due to them - quite alot of other conditions can produce similar pain. If you get pale poo! or jaundice or abnormal liver function blood tests with attacks of pain even on a low fat diet then its obvious you need an operation but huge number of people at post mortem are found to have gallstones that were symptomless.

Its always sensible to try a low fat diet for a time to see if pain subsides because you can live with gallstones.

31-10-10, 13:11
My post crossed with previous one so I was not commenting on previous poster!

I know your surgery is booked for 22 Nov and wish you well,

31-10-10, 13:22
My post crossed with previous one so I was not commenting on previous poster!

I know your surgery is booked for 22 Nov and wish you well,

Hey no worries.
This is what ive been thinking though, Wonder if it is just muscular & Im just assuming its the gallstones!
It does seem funny as the dull ache does go off with heat though painkillers dont touch it!
so yes i have wondered about this!!!
Thanks for the advice.

Hazel B
31-10-10, 16:01
I'm waiting for the date for my op to remove the gallbladder. My Mum had gallstones too, so I hope the awful pain is that! I have all the classic symptoms and the pain is almost constant now, it feels "wrong" all day and is awful after a big meal/fatty food.

I've had ultrasound, CT scan and an MRI so anything else would hopefully have shown up.

01-11-10, 10:47
I'm waiting for the date for my op to remove the gallbladder. My Mum had gallstones too, so I hope the awful pain is that! I have all the classic symptoms and the pain is almost constant now, it feels "wrong" all day and is awful after a big meal/fatty food.

I've had ultrasound, CT scan and an MRI so anything else would hopefully have shown up.

Well hopefully we'll be sorted soon Hazel & can finally get back to normal. It does take over your life a bit im finding, not daring to venture too far incase im bad with it!
I cant wait get it sorted now!
Hope you go on ok. xx

Hazel B
01-11-10, 11:20
Hey, me too! I haven't been 5 miles away from my local hospital for months!

Sad but true!