View Full Version : New here

30-10-10, 12:38

I'm new on the board (well, been reading posts since May). I suffer from HA and just started having panic attacks (realised trough my councelling that i have had various PA in the last 10 years).
I have 2 small children and wonderful husband, but life is not easy as we have no family help or support. We live in London and find pace of life a bit too much at the moment which in return does nothing good for my issues.
My HA is mostly fear of cancer and dying, leaving my lovely little family.
I was doing ok after 3 months of couneclling, thought things started to look up, but last few weeks has been a bit of downwards spiral and think resulted in me having a massive PA on Wed pm when i least expected me. This has left me shaken and with bruised feeling, and since than i have been feeling terrible.
Thanks for reading folks.

30-10-10, 12:41
Hi Josx

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

paula lynne
30-10-10, 12:46
Hi Jos welcome aboard x

Vanilla Sky
30-10-10, 13:02
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

30-10-10, 16:58
Hi Jos :welcome:to the forum.:)

30-10-10, 17:13
Welcome please ask any questions here try and release a bit of panic you will soon be fine dont rush.
John xx

30-10-10, 18:03
a very warm welcome to you.:yesyes:

30-10-10, 23:03
hi josx , i can relate to what you are saying, i also have no family support at all, im a single parent to 3 lovely kids , who are young. I think the lack of support has to be one of the hardest things.
Ive also had a fear of dying and having cancer or a brain tumour, i had an mri scan a couple of years ago and was relieved that it came back normal but still felt i was back at the old drawing board as to why i was feeling so dreadful.
My symptoms are mostly lightheadedness, dizziness, vertigo, anxiety. ive had panic attacks on and off for years.
And like you i felt like i was improving through counselling , but that finished quite a long time ago and i feel like im slipping back a few paces sometimes, im ok some days and other days i feel like im back at square 1
I know how you must feel, and the people on here are so lovely and supportive (im fairly new on here too) and i never realised there are so many other people with similar problems , you can feel so isolated with it all at times, which is why this is such a brilliant place to share how you are feeling, hope you feel better soon xxx