View Full Version : Hypothyroidism/Underactive.

30-10-10, 14:46

recently been worrying about my 'thyroid health' my mum suffered with an underactive thyroid when she was in her late twenties. I'm worried it's going to be passed onto me, i remember horrible stories as a child when my mum was going through the worst part of her thyroid diease and she was have break downs, her hair would fall out and she would say the room was spinning. She gained alot of weight and got very fatigue. Im 17 and im very worried about having an 'underactive thyroid' lately my hair has been falling out, ive been depressed and under alot of stress. Last time i had a blood test my thyroid was at borderline, which means it was Ok but not great. Im scared to go back for another blood test, and having to take these pills to keep myself.. functioning. I dont want to gain loads of weight either. I have an older sister and she doesnt seem to have any thyroid problems.

The main worry is my hair loss, it just comes out.. strand by strand. And this is any strand. It's really dry too. Can anyone help me out on this i need some advice because im very worried right now.

Many thanks. Ruby x

30-10-10, 16:41
You dont gain weight from being under treatment, you gain weight from having an undiagnosed underactive thryoid. So if you suddenly start to put on weight, but your diet is still the same, THEN you need to worry about it. I put on a lot of weight when mine was undiagnosed, but lost it all within a few months of starting thyroxine. Since then I've found it very hard to gain weight!
The pill itself will stop all the things you're worrying about. Obviously it can never make up for a fully functioning thyroid, but it does sort out most of the problems.
If you're worried take the test.

30-10-10, 18:25

I have been exactly where you are. You don't say how long ago you watched yur mum in this situation but I was about 9 when it first started - 30 years ago.

I watched my aunt her have breakdwns after breakdown, her kids used to live with us on and off - it was frightening. She went into those awful hospitals and I had to sit in the car!!!!!!! I defo know my anxiety issues stem from all this and its the reason I have no kids either. I have no idea how we got through it.

The breakdowns were put down to allsorts of things but underactive thyroid was one of them. This went on until I was about 15.

I always lived in fear of ending up like her - I related underactive thyroid with breakdowns!!!!!!

About 6 years ago I was diagnosed with underactive thyroid - I was mortified!!! I also have a fear of needles and I mean a fear!!!

Guess what - I didnt have a breakdown!!!!!! It`s all under control and I get it checked regularly.

Yes I still ahve anxiety and panic but as I said - it stems from my childhood.

I have tbh and say back then I think the medical staff just labelled her situation with anything they coud think of.

My advise is go and get it checked, if its positive just keep taking the meds - you will feel much much better.

Good luckx