View Full Version : Dysthemia Anyone Else Suffer From This?

30-10-10, 15:13
I have had this pretty much all my life although never knew what it was up until now, apparently it is a chronic condition.

I've often wondered why I have never had an interest in anything, and the things that bring other people joy don't for me, Like my partner has recently had a baby, A supposedly very joyful event, I felt nothing neither happy or sad and thats pretty much how I feel day in day out, just numb, I can't remember the last time I was happy but I often get sad, so on a good day I feel numb, on a bad day I feel sad, and its also the cause of my total lack of motivation in life, even the simple things are a task I can't even drive for example as I can't motivate myself, and it was the same story at school I was very capable but just couldn't motivate myself and thus failed all my exams resulting in a crap low paid factory work.

There is no joy in life, day in day out I am just fed up but simply can't motivate myself to change,

I was just curious if anyone else on here suffers from this?

31-10-10, 19:19
Hi, I'm new on here and read your post re. dysthamia, thought I would reply as I have also been diagnosed with this. Ever since I lost my older sister 7 years ago to suicide I have been chronically depressed and also anxious. Recently my psychiatrist also suggested I may have dysthamia but I don't really pay much attention to his diagnoses anymore because he is always changing his opinions as to what is wrong with me!
I know exactly what you mean when you say you lack motivation to do anything, life just seems so pointless sometimes and I find everything so overwhelming and anxiety provoking. I have been signed off work for a while and also had to drop out of uni twice due to my depression and anxiety which I still beat myself up about. I desperately want to get back to work or some sort of study but like you said I also can't seem to motivate myself to change, and I'm also scared of failing again so end up doing nothing. I wasn't always like this, before my sisters death I was very motivated and ambitious but after it seems that her death destroyed me, I have lost my get up and go and everything seems such an effort. God knows when I will snap out of it.
Do you take any medication or see a counsellor for this? I take citalopram but at the lowest dose because I'm currently pregnant but before I was on the highest dose and have also tried nearly every anti depressant going, with no success. Thats one of the reasons why my psych thinks I have dysthamia as I don't seem to respond to medication.

02-11-10, 16:09
i wonder if it is a case of literally making yourself do something - that it is a self perpetuating circle - you feel down but because you cannot motivate yourself - you then feel even more down and so on. i know its difficult but why not make tomorrow a new start in some way - even if it is just doing something small - enquire about a home study course/join a gym etc because i hate to sound harsh but unless you yourself take action - you cannot expect your life/yourself to change.

anne-louise - congratulations on your pregnancy - now that is something major and life changing lol! xx

02-11-10, 16:54
i wonder if it is a case of literally making yourself do something - that it is a self perpetuating circle - you feel down but because you cannot motivate yourself - you then feel even more down and so on. i know its difficult but why not make tomorrow a new start in some way - even if it is just doing something small - enquire about a home study course/join a gym etc because i hate to sound harsh but unless you yourself take action - you cannot expect your life/yourself to change.

anne-louise - congratulations on your pregnancy - now that is something major and life changing lol! xx

Oh I've tried, but can't get anywhere, on the rare occasion I do motivate myself I give up soon after, I started a home study course with the Open Uni once, I lasted 2 months before motivation died and I gave up, even simple things like giving up smoking, I know its hard but I can't even get started, I know its as simple as just stop, but for some reason I can't

02-11-10, 18:23
perhaps it is not lack of motivation - perhaps it is a subconscious fear of failure? Us humans - strange creatures that we are! - often complain about feeling the way that we do but then we self sabotage any attempt at change because staying in a rut is comfortable and has benefits (even if they are subconscious ones). i am sorry to say that saying you cannot make yourself do anything does sound a bit of a cop out lol! there must be something out there you could be interested in but then i agree you would have to have the motivation to look for it! like i said - unfortunately - its a vicious circle!