View Full Version : Rough Day, Just Want to Talk

30-10-10, 16:53
Hi everyone,

I'm having a rough day and just want to vent. I started back on fluoxetine 10 days ago after a couple of years off it. Today, my anxiety has been sky high - I've tried all the usual tricks like walking etc but I'm still feeling wired. I understand that it's only anxiety and nothing bad will happen but it feels so uncomfortable, like having an itch you can't scratch. The worst bit is thinking, will tomorrow be as bad or worse? Will I sleep tonight?

I expected some side effects from previous experience but it's very hard to stay optimistic when you feel like this.

I just wanted to get this off my chest.



30-10-10, 17:02
Dont worry about venting, it often helps to get it off your chest.

Hope you start to feel better soon.

Carly Lou
30-10-10, 17:03
im on day 14 of sertraline.... and today has been so horrendous ive had to cave and take half a diaz.....................
i hate it hate hate it....
it is damn hard.... i hope it is all worth it, because i am miffed... have a halloween party tonight... if i make it through the night ill be amazed...
lets hope xx

30-10-10, 17:04
Ditto mate,im also having a bad day today,have had an unbearable week to be honest.Anxiety levels up to 8/9 so am really suffering.....must admit a good chat on here today has helped ,just knowing im not the only one who has this is a comfort in a way.

Funny you mention the walking ,i was trying to find motivation to do the same this afternoon but it never happened lol.

I constantly try talking myself out of anxiety by asking myself questions about why im like this and the fact that i dont need to be like this......i have a great family around me,a job ,house etc and constantly remind myself of this and it does help at times.Maybe you should try the same......anything is worth a go Andy.

Keep your chin up Andy,will be thinking of you


Carly Lou
30-10-10, 17:09
lammy just read your thread... atleast we are all in this together... so however much we feel alone we arnt, i find that quite comforting..
guys take care xxxxxx

30-10-10, 17:11
Thanks everybody. I have some diaz from the previous bout of anx I had and they're still in date. I've resisted taking any as I feel it's a slippery slope and unlike an SSRI, you can't take them all of the time. I'll just have to try soldiering on.

Against my better judgement, I spent this afternoon stretched out on the bed listening to the footy on the radio. Needless to say, it hasn't lowered the anxiety levels.

Walking usually relaxes me but not today, just felt hot and sweaty and light headed. I'm sure its the reaction to the fluox and it will settle down, but it's hard to take.


30-10-10, 17:24
Im positive the feelings you are having are related to the meds Andy,like ppl say you have to persevere for a few weeks and you will begin to feel better...something to look forward to hey!!

Hold on in there Andy...you'll get there mate!

30-10-10, 18:05
Hey Andy - as you've rightly identified, your heightened anxiety is probably the initial side effects of the meds, which will pass in the very near future. Personally, I am ok with taking the odd diazepam here and there when ramping up on meds, as I see the heightened anxiety solely as a temp side effect - but obviously it's you choice.

I hope it eases soon for you and the beneficial effects kick in.

30-10-10, 18:23
Hi Andy,

Sounds like there are a few of us out there having a rough day.

I've decided not to take my Cit (for the usual reasons) and
I 've been using 10-20mg of Prop if and when needed. Last week I managed to go 2 days without needing them and then I've used them 3 days in a row.

It feels like I'm wimping out and should be able to ignore the symptoms but once my heart gets above 80 bpm for a while and I can't bring it back down, I cave and reach for the pills.

I guess we all need to be a little easier on ourselves, recognise there is no 'quick fix' and just make it one day at a time - eventually we will all beat this.

Right now, I'm in a cold sweat about going into town for a meal with my wife - when did life get so complicated?!?

Hoping we all have better days tomorrow....
Ian :)

30-10-10, 18:42
Thanks everybody for the support, I really appreciate it. Deep down I know I'll pull through as I've been here a few times before. I really thought I'd got it licked for good this time after 4 years since my last bad patch but I guess if I throw enough stress at my body, this is how it reacts.

Hope everyone has a good evening, enjoy your meal Ian, I'm sure you will once you get there.



30-10-10, 19:36
Keep posting might help as well - as many times as you need to!