View Full Version : The move!

30-10-10, 19:58
Right, I've been putting this off for so long now!!! To my credit its actually been my physical health that has put a stop to it, but I've got to the point now where I think Sod it! I need to get this ball rolling.
My birthday is in a few weeks and I want to be in my new house by then. It's nearly a year since we bought the place, so it's time!!
So you're probably wondering what the point of this thread is :whistles:
I wanted to keep an update of what I'm doing each day to prepare for the move and to get on with it!
So tonight I think I'm going to sort through another drawer and pack away its contents.
I'll keep this thread updated xx :yesyes:

This is one of my final barriers to living a normal life and eventually having a baby. :D I'm so broody now its silly lol

30-10-10, 20:21
Good for you hun - go for it!!!
And keep us updated and if you have a wee wobble we wil be there for youx

30-10-10, 20:22
That’s great to hear Vixxy :)

“My birthday is in a few weeks and I want to be in my new house by then.”

You know what they say...
A goal without a deadline is but a dream... :winks:
Now you have a deadline – a commitment – and things can start to happen.
I look forward to reading the updates.

Best of luck :yesyes:

Hazel B
30-10-10, 20:43
Hope it goes well, best wishes. x

31-10-10, 08:57
Good Luck, you can do it...and having a baby sounds like the way forward and will change your life forever (in a great way) so go for it :)

31-10-10, 09:59
I sorted through 2 drawers of stuff last night. I would have done more, but it was getting a bit late XD Today I hope to do a little more :)
Thanks for all the support^^

paula lynne
31-10-10, 10:12
Hi Vixxy :hugs: Im wishing you all good things for your move, keep us posted xxx

31-10-10, 11:39
Well done Vixxy, you sound really positive and determined. Good luck xx

margaret jones
31-10-10, 11:53
Well done Little steps lead to big strides xxxxxxxxx

31-10-10, 21:11
Sorted through even more stuff now. Including a box full of things I don't have a use/home for, but mean a lot to me. :) So at least I know they're all safe wrapped up and ready to go in the attic!
My room here looks like a mess because I've got bits and pieces scattered all over the place, but I hope to sort them all out tomorrow.
My parents are going up to the house this week, so I'm going to send them along with a few boxes :D

02-11-10, 10:07
I went out yesterday and bought a load of plastic tubs to keep stuff safe in the attic :) Today I plan to strip down all the little bits and pieces that are floating around and see if I need them or not. I'm hoping that today will be the day where it actually looks like things are leaving the room lol

paula lynne
02-11-10, 10:52
Progress! onwards and upwards!...a good clear out is apparently good for you..x

02-11-10, 15:57
Hi Vixxy,

Sounds like great progress is being made :yesyes:

But Paula...
“a good clear out is apparently good for you”

NOOoooooo......!!! :ohmy:
That would be really stressful for me – waste... waste...

My friend and I were complete opposites and we drove each other nuts. She was a serious declutterer, and even found it therapeutic to throw stuff out. I hated that when I was staying there, but it was her flat and her things, so I had to put up with it. Some of the stuff she threw out and asked me to take down to the bins didn’t quite make it... ending up in my car :blush:
Well, it seemed such a shame to throw some of those things ways.

I’m a serial hoarder, and I think it drove her to despair when she came to stay with me. Now it was my house and my stuff, so she had to put up with it. And to make it even worse, she was surrounded by some of the very things she’d previously decluttered!
Take care,

paula lynne
02-11-10, 16:04
Ha ha Nigel....did she say "..oh...I had one like that!"...nowt wrong with recycling love. My hubby pulled out 2 wire chairs from a skip 10 years ago...I hated them. Then I found out they are two origonal "Diamond" chairs, by 1950s designer Harry Bertoia...worth £300 0dd quid EACH!!.....some find it comforting to hoard...some to de-clutter...each to their own x

02-11-10, 16:12
I've always been a hoarder, but I've got to a point now where I realise most of the stuff I keep I don't look at or even remember I have it in some cases lol. So it does make me feel sad that I'm giving stuff away, but at the same time I like to think someone out there will be making more use of it than me :)
I've made about £350 from selling stuff on ebay too, which funded my iphone! So now I have a phone that I actually worked to buy :D

02-11-10, 16:34
Recycling... yes... :rolleyes:
That’s the word I was looking for!

Those old chairs were a good find. That’s the sort of thing that would have Mr Mean smiling for a week :)

I don’t understand that sort of thing so wouldn’t know what to look for, but years ago I did used to scour the local papers for bargain musical and electrical products. Never found a lot, but did get a few bargains – some I’ve still got, some I resold.

Mum always says; “If you haven’t used it in 6 months you don’t need it.”
I always think... “It might come in handy one day, and it’ll save me buying it.”

Well done Vixxy with your eBay selling :yesyes:

02-11-10, 17:04
I agree with you Nigel. You never know what you'll need later on! I just cannot take all this clutter with me into the house lol. I want a nice home that's manageable. If I have lots of stuff it'll just mean more to keep clean lol. I'm messy by nature, so I'm trying to make life easy :yesyes:

07-11-10, 10:44
Just sent my husband off in his car with all my art stuff. I've got way too many boxes of paints lol. My room is looking rather empty now :D Still got a fair way to go though.

10-11-10, 16:02
hows it going now vixxy? x

10-11-10, 16:31
Most of my stuff is gone! There's still a lot to get through and sort though. I plan to move on Monday or Tuesday!

Hazel B
10-11-10, 17:40
Well done and hope it goes well! x

10-11-10, 17:44
Thanks Hazel :)

10-11-10, 20:11
Go for it Vixxy! A clear out is good for the soul too!

I think someone said there is an 80/20 rule for your wardrobe as in you wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time!

10-11-10, 20:13
lol that is very very true!

11-11-10, 10:31
congratulations vixxy! and good luck with the final move next week :-) x

14-11-10, 12:10
Ack 2 days to go! I've decided to move on Tuesday! Well I hope that everything is done by then, if not it'll have to be wednesday.
I'm not feeling too bad about it at the moment, however I think that's because it feels like a dream rather than reality!

paula lynne
14-11-10, 13:25
All the best for next week Vixxy x:D

14-11-10, 23:49
just pretend it's a dream then! float through it all! :noangel:

16-11-10, 16:49
Hi Vixxy,

It’s Tuesday, and I hope the move is going well :)

Best of luck,

19-11-10, 20:02
Hi all! Well I put off the move on Tuesday because I just felt like I wasn't ready for it. There was still a lot to pack etc.
I moved today! I'm in my new home now with my cats. Who are hiding underneath the bed XD
I hope my anxiety doesn't kick off :)

Hazel B
19-11-10, 20:18
Be happy in your new home!


paula lynne
19-11-10, 21:16
Hiya Vixxy, hope you and moggys are very happy in your new home
Love and hugs, Paula x:hugs:

19-11-10, 22:37
well done...do lots of lovely things so u associate your new home with happy times a plenty!! :D