View Full Version : Sudden scary feeling in hand!!! plz help :(

30-10-10, 23:53
My hand literally started to like close up earlier, and when i tried to open it i could do it but it felt like it was on a spring like it was a real effort to open it? what the hells this???

also, i got sudden weakness in my right arm that felt like leadweight. i started getting it in my left hand and arm soon after too. was typing at the time and had to sit down on the sofa and take my mind off it. had little panic attack and took about half an hour after taking 2 x 2mg Diazepam for the symptoms to die down but am still left with this weird weak and springy feeling in hand :(

also recently, when i use my hands or arms, they feel weak afterwards (and i mean FEEL weak, not actually physically weak where i cannot move them much) i can still lift things but it just feelsx extremely weak/heavy and comes out of nowhere, could typing bring this on???

i dont know wots going on. my lymph nodes in neck and groin r still up and im worrying about cancer as they arent going away :( and its been 5 weeks! :( havent felt unwell so dont think its infection but doc wont refer me for anything unless they get bigger...which they arent, but they are getting harder and im getting more of them (in groin and neck)

Sorry to ramble :( feel sick with worry :( xxx

31-10-10, 00:13
Hi Crazyhayz, your "symptoms" sound just like mine! I've had a swollen lymph node in my armpit for almost 2 years :( Swollen nodes in groin and where the collarbone meets the neck since I took Lansoprazole back in July :( I think the depletion in stomach acid may have affected my ability to fight off infection? Gp says "it's nothing to be concerned about", as she puts everything down to my anxiety.. tbh I'm kind of sick of being labelled and not listened to :( I have a blood clotting disorder, GP says "no need to see a haematologist".. Lovely psychiatrist I went to see recently sent a letter to my gp stressing that she thinks I need to see a haematologist! Go figure :0

31-10-10, 00:18
ps I get the weird thingy with my hands and arms too. I try and say to myself it's because of the hyperventilation. A paramedic told me that 5 years ago when I had my first panic attack. I know you tell yourself this too, but as we both know, sometimes the fear just gets the better of us :( Lavender oil can be quite calming :)

31-10-10, 10:01
thanks guys x but wasnt hyperventilating at the time, was typing and not anxious atall. mind was focused on something quite comical regarding my friend on facebook.

ne1 else get this spring-like thing with their hand?? its so weird, i do seriously think i have sumin wrong coz no1 ever seems to have such weird symptoms like mine, like the floppy dead arm... thanks anyhow x

31-10-10, 11:24
Do you type too much? Maybe try not typing for a few days and see if it improves? It may just be the tension in your fingers and arm caused by the typing action?

31-10-10, 21:13
yes i do type alot, but i cant see how this could cause it? coz i get it when im just sat there watchin tv?? or walking/shopping/driving??? sometimes my head feels too heavy for my body, is this normal??? i get migraines behind my eyes and on each temple too :( plus i got ten lymph nodes swollen up but bloods are normal. im worrying this weakness and numbness is down to cancer and its spread to my lymph nodes.

im just not sure if the bloods would show something.. ive had loads done in A&E... and a fasting one and others from my doctor. My nodes are enlarged as i had an ultrasound on the ones in my groin but they said they didnt want to bopsy as they werent very big.. and to come back if they get bigger... they havent but im still worried as its been almost 6 weeks :( they dont hurt either which also isnt a good sign :(

11-11-10, 22:01

Just wanted to say I've had exactly this. Has yours got any better?

I'm a bit spooked by it too. Were you worrying about *** at the time? I was typing when it happened, then lifted a file and my hand went all nuts. And I was worried about *** that day (still am). Is it possible that the stress/worry is causing our brains to somatise these symptoms?

The other thing i wondered was whether some testing of my finger strenth had brought it on. I was trying to hold a heavy chopping board between my thumb and forefinger that morning.....probably not a great idea....