View Full Version : Anybody else had this?

31-10-10, 00:11
Yep, the thread title guaranteed to make ya look..sorry, it's not really that interesting!

I'm an ex-agoraphobic (more or less) and PA sufferer who was on Citalopram 20mg for 6 or 7 months, I cold-turkied off them nearly 3 weeks ago.

I haven't been out that much (had a rough time coming off) but on the couple of occasions I have gone out and done a walk of approx half an hour I have had some rather strange sensations.

Thing is, I can't remember if I used to feel this way when I had the heightened anxiety leading to PA's or not, if in fact it is a usual by product of coming off Citalopram.

I'm still having a wee bit of derealisation but this lightheaded feeling..:wacko:
I seem to be going off balance quite a lot, not my imagination as I walked into a damn wall on Friday (yes, you may giggle :blush:).
There is also the weirdest thing..it feels like for a split second, not even a second my consciousness has gone and I'm pulled back to alertness with a start.

You know that feeling when you are just about to drop to sleep and BAM you're awake again? It's like that..feels like my eyes have been closed for a second even though I know they haven't.

I'm not looking for reassurance as I know there is nothing physically wrong, I just wondered if anybody else has had these sensations after stopping meds.

I have a feeling (although I can't recall properly) that these are sensations I used to get when I had to go out and the anxiety was really high...they are possibly trying to rear their heads again.

Won't happen though. :winks:

Would appreciate any replies about this. Thanks :flowers:

31-10-10, 01:24
Hi Ladybird

This weird feeling u get for a split second. I get this. I havent come off my meds, infact iv restarted them recently.

My anxeity has got bad again over the past couple of months and since then iv been getting this horrible feeling about 4 times a week.

I have had this feeling since i started getting the anx years ago and when i have the anx under control it goes away.

love mandie x

31-10-10, 07:47
I have a feeling (although I can't recall properly) that these are sensations I used to get when I had to go out and the anxiety was really high...they are possibly trying to rear their heads again.

Won't happen though. :winks:

Dont let them rear their heads again LB, its only you that can make it happen. You need to give yourself a good talking and tell those mini attacks to **** off when they happen, you are getting your life back and its staying that way, dont be afraid of them.

I alway feel off balance when im out and about walking around, some days are worse than others. I usually stand still for a while or sit down and take in whats going on around me, it brings me back down to earth.

i remember coming off of anxiety pills in my 20's that i had been on for a long time, the withdrawal symptoms were so bad and it took a long time to get them compleatly out of my system but in the end i felt so much better than when i was on them.......you stick at it, you are doing good.

paula lynne
31-10-10, 10:19
Hi Ang :hugs:I cant comment about coming off meds, but I can as an agoraphobic, and just wanted to say you are doing wonderfully, despite the horrid sensations, Im so proud of you, youre an inspiration to others because you wont give up.

Kinda makes me think "Ok, its not impossible to beat agoraphobia", and youve really encouraged me to keep trying.

So, I want to say thank you, and I wish you all good things, keep us posted. Lots of love and hugs x


31-10-10, 13:10
Thanks Mandie, Baileys and Paula for the lovely messages, they are all appreciated. :hugs:

I'm not going to let this get to me as I had a feeling it might be the old nonsense trying to sneak back in there, don't worry Baileys hun, I'm ignoring it as much as poss.

Just need to look out for large brick walls in my path! :roflmao:

I had this for more than 20 years, closer to 30 actually so it obviously isn't going to clear off immediately but I'm quietly confident that it will go at some point.

Thanks again peeps :bighug1:

31-10-10, 15:27
Well done Comrade LB - that's the spirit. As you've said, you've coped for decades with this crafty old anxiety so you will overcome it again (Lord, you're not that old are you?). That's the mentality I try to cultivate - which admittedly isn't easy when we're in the thick of it - but is the safest boat out of a load of holed rafts... Anyway, who said it was easy?

I hope others on this forum take note of the simplest yet most effective coping mechanism there is: determination, hard work and optimism.

Onwards and upwards dear LB...