View Full Version : Headache, anxious:((

31-10-10, 09:03
Had an awful night last night:-((( I just couldn't nod off and at 1am ish all down the back of my head, on the right side I had a horrible pulsing headache. By 3am it was worse, I couldn't sleep for worry. It hurt more if I stood up or moved head suddenly. If I yawned it pulsed too. It was all on the crown oft head on just the right.

I nodded off at around 4.30 but I've only dozed. I've still got it now and I'm worried sick:(((

Hubby says it's tension, I've had it before he *said. Yes but I don't think it's ever lasted like this, normally after sleep I'm ok.

I feel awful, totally drained and anxious:((( I had hardly any sleep.

Do you think it sounds like tension? I had a fairly tense day after his mums visit but I was fine head wise all day. When it happened last night I'd just been lay in bed propped up playing on my iPhone. My right shoulder felt a bit stiff when I nipped the loo so put it down to holding my iPhone for two hours, then I noticed right side of head just on the crown. I've had headaches in past like this and GP said they don't sound like migraine as it's not across my face, he thinks they are stress. Just very odd time for it to come on.

My temp is fine too. I'm terrified though, I was thinking meningitis but now I'm worried migraine or something. I had a tiny niggle in that area of head yesterday morning but nothing major and it didn't really hurt.

Can anyone reassure me?:(( I feel so stupid.

31-10-10, 09:42
Stupid me googled migraine and worried myself:((

31-10-10, 20:29
hi larna, don't feel stupid, it is the anxiety not you. I too worry about headaches a lot and I suffer from them frequently. I know that anxiety can definetly cause tension headaches, and if you said your shoulder feels stiff etc it may be due to tight muscles/ contraction. Do you get them often? If so, do you think you may grind your teeth? Many AD can increase peope to grind their teeth and my dentist said that my headaches are likely caused by this, as it puts so much pressure on all of your muscles. I now have a mouth guard , was really helping though unfortunatly it broke the other day. May be worth looking into xx

paula lynne
31-10-10, 20:36
Hi Larna. x
Youve said you were already suffering a stiff neck, and had been in the same position for a while too...this maybe trapped nerve pain radiating up into your head, causing the little "pulses" you describe. A warm bath may help, a neck massage, and an anti-inflam like ibuprofen if you can tolerate them. Hope you sleep better tonight x

01-11-10, 20:55
Thank you both.

If I get a headache (few times a year really) they are always like this. It does feel like pressure/tension/trapped nerve feeling. The head pain is ok now but ive still got terrible tension in right shoulder and down right arm:-(