View Full Version : chat toom for support when high anxiety ready to panic a joke

31-10-10, 10:31
i was feelin so anxiose still am went to chat room for support ended up coming off feeling frustrated and angry why its nice if you want to just chat to each other it felt like msn i wanted support and evry one chatting about going axmas shoping and partying i am sat struggling to get a cup of sugar off my daughter net door or go put my gas card in my meeter to get gas i just though why dont you lot go on msn and chat i even went in to privet char with some one who said breath looked again and no more was said they were all busey chatting about things that didnt help i ave been in chat room and seen people coming on for support and ended up signing out as no matter how much suppoert they was lookin for it wasnt there for long u like they say breath and go off chatting again and some of us need a bit more than just breath and leave u at that well think i ave got it off my chest cant say i feel better for it sorry if people think i am wrong but its just how i feel sorry x

31-10-10, 11:18
Hi Trish, I've found that anxiety can be a very lonely disorder :( A lot of sufferers choose not to focus on it ( hence the chatroom experience ) Also I think it makes us quite unpopular with other sufferers who are trying not to think about it :( Sometimes people don't want to be constantly reminded that they have anxiety, they just want to focus on the positive :) I'm just starting to learn that! I'm realizing that yes this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me, but that unfortunately I am the only one who can help myself... yes it's very lonely, but I don't see I really have much choice :(

31-10-10, 11:31
Hi Trish, I've found that anxiety can be a very lonely disorder :( A lot of sufferers choose not to focus on it ( hence the chatroom experience ) Also I think it makes us quite unpopular with other sufferers who are trying not to think about it :( Sometimes people don't want to be constantly reminded that they have anxiety, they just want to focus on the positive :) I'm just starting to learn that! I'm realizing that yes this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me, but that unfortunately I am the only one who can help myself... yes it's very lonely, but I don't see I really have much choice :(
hi thanks for that and i get it but wen you need that supprt somtimes your seeking it from there and it felt like they was just not listening i no some dont want to think about it i get that but if you go there for support for a few minutes then you can enjoy there chat its just i left feeling frustrated
thought well were do you go any way thanks for your reply take care trish xx

31-10-10, 12:02
Hi again Trish, I'll tell you how I've learnt to deal with it :) I focus on something else. I've found going out for a walk really helps :) Or watching a film that takes my mind away from my anxiety :) Also just facing it when it's trying to control and confuse me! After all it's happening inside me, not outside, so surely I have to take back control? Easier said than done I know, but I don't see as I have much choice :( x

31-10-10, 13:20
Hi Trish, one thing to remember is the reason most people are in chat in the first place - because we have problems of our own - at times this can make it hard to try and help someone else with theirs in depth if we arent having a great day.

Also, and this has been discussed in chat often, a lot of the people come in to chat as a social thing because it helps them relieve their anxiety just by having some company and taking their minds off it - anxiety can be a very lonely illness, and just being among people who understand, even if on the face of it the chat topics may seem banal to you, can be a big help in itself.

31-10-10, 13:24
how could we get the sugar off your daughter for you and we cant gas on your meter i think chat is a wonderfull things i sure its saved a few lives to
i seen people help you loads sorry you dont think so

11-11-10, 11:10
how could we get the sugar off your daughter for you and we cant gas on your meter i think chat is a wonderfull things i sure its saved a few lives to
i seen people help you loads sorry you dont think soi am not saying you dontget help from some but some times your realy suffering and just lokin for support wen its bad like now i was just there and said i am haveing a panic attack then said help i am struggling evry one carried on chatting in end i just said thanks for your help and signed out i did sit there why evry one was chatting to see if i could get a little support and yeah i am sure u ave spoke to me many times and i ave done it bk and if i see some one realy struggling i take them aside and give as much as i can to help as i no the feelings to well any way enough said i ave been there since and i dare say i will try aagain just letting off steam wen your so wound up already

11-11-10, 14:46
Hi Trish

Sorry you didn't find the chat room helpfull. Did you try the 'help room' in there at all? 9 times out of ten someone will follow you in and allow you to talk about what's bothering you.

Chat is a very friendly room where many people go on a daily basis.


11-11-10, 15:48
i am not saying you dontget help from some but some times your realy suffering and just lokin for support wen its bad like now i was just there and said i am haveing a panic attack then said help i am struggling evry one carried on chatting in end i just said thanks for your help and signed out i did sit there why evry one was chatting to see if i could get a little support and yeah i am sure u ave spoke to me many times and i ave done it bk and if i see some one realy struggling i take them aside and give as much as i can to help as i no the feelings to well any way enough said i ave been there since and i dare say i will try aagain just letting off steam wen your so wound up already

Have you tried posting Trish? I rarely go into chat but there are many of us around to help if you post and I'm sure you'd get a reply fairly quickly.

11-11-10, 15:59
Yes that probably a good idea .I dont very often go into chat either .You will get to know more people who can relate to you and your current issues too. Sue x

11-11-10, 16:12
These people might be feeling just as bad as you but are just trying to take their minds off it.

I can understand why it would be frustrating but the people aren't there for you to demand support off. We all have problems on this site and sometimes just can't help others. I think you are directing your anger at the wrong people.

11-11-10, 16:23
These people might be feeling just as bad as you but are just trying to take their minds off it.

I can understand why it would be frustrating but the people aren't there for you to demand support off. We all have problems on this site and sometimes just can't help others. I think you are directing your anger at the wrong people.

Sometimes its true that people arent in the right frame of mind to help otheres .Thats why creating a thread will help on these occassions .Its easy to angry and upset sometimes when you think no one is there for you .But im sure it wasnt intentional either way . sue

11-11-10, 23:53

Trish i sometimes think people forget that, although chatting may sound light that often these people use chat for the purpose of cheering themselves up. Friendly banter often helps. I have just been in chat, when you were in. i am feeling dreadful today, the friendly banter helps me, but i am not well enough to deal with others problems as well as my own.

Maybe trish you should ask how everyone else is. you may find they are suffering as much as you.

Ps it was during 2 mins silence toolol i get that and i always ask how they are and yes theyy often feel same and wen u share how u are feeling it does help especialy wen they no how it is but thats what i was looking for xxxx

11-11-10, 23:57
These people might be feeling just as bad as you but are just trying to take their minds off it.

I can understand why it would be frustrating but the people aren't there for you to demand support off. We all have problems on this site and sometimes just can't help others. I think you are directing your anger at the wrong people.you might feel that way but there is the room were i juust take one aside if they are struggling and wen they feel better carry on chatting i was not asking for evry one to stop chatting just some support wen i was feeling so bad could not even jion in x

12-11-10, 00:03
sorry to here that you had problems in chat i use it my self it helps me take my mind of things and relax so i can get to sleep othewise i would be awake all night .

Veronica H
12-11-10, 01:09
:yesyes:I agree Trish...just post . The chat room is very hit and miss when it comes to support, due to others being ill too, but is a great place as a diversion.
