View Full Version : help

31-10-10, 10:34
A friend of mine took 18 prozac on fri night. I took her to casualty and they did not treat it as that serious - they kept us in waiting room for ages without checking her or anything. They did keep her in but she discharged herself in the morning and they let her. I find this worrying as she needs real help -

She has just split up with her partner and is homeless. I took her to her ex husbands house who is letting her stay for few days but not permanent - can anyone advise me how to help?

31-10-10, 11:21
Hi Bab, feel so sorry for you and your friend :hugs:. Maybe the Samaritans would be able to advise you or NHS 24? Personally I'd have thought it would be important that someone is with her today and then maybe try to get her to her own doc tomorrow? It might be good if you or the ex could go with her.

Beyond that, has she been to the local council about her homeless situation, or possibly the CAB?

You're obviously a good friend, I hope she's willing to let you help xx

31-10-10, 11:54
Thanks Jane
I have spoken to the council and they have sent me some forms to fill in for housing. She is staying with her ex for few days but any longer than that and they think it will be confusing for their daughter. Im surprised the hospital let her out. I think the prozac is not helping she has been on it for years but i know of the ssri prozac can exarcebate thses feelings and thoughts.

31-10-10, 13:35
Hi Bab,

I’m sorry to hear about your friend. Sounds like she has a very caring friend though :winks:

I don’t know a lot about meds but I think I read somewhere that it’s hard to fatally overdose on prozac unless a person consumes a very large quantity. Might make them feel pretty ill for a while though. Maybe that’s correct and the hospital knew that, hence the lack of urgency. Suppose that’s also why they were happy for her to leave next day – because she was in no ‘medical’ danger. I do think they could’ve pointed her in the direction of some emotional support though.

It’s good that you’ve spoken to the council about housing. Perhaps you could make an appointment and both go along and return the forms in person. They usually treat it as a top priority when a person is really homeless, and should be able to find accommodation, if only temporary in a B&B.

Also, try to encourage her to talk to her GP, who should be able to recommend some local mental heath support, or even a local support group for people in her situation. And also encourage her to talk to somebody if she ever feels that low again. Like The Samaritans (http://www.samaritans.org/) on 08457 90 90 90, as Jane suggested, or her local Mental Health Crisis Team.

You’re being a good friend Bab :)


31-10-10, 15:32
thanks so much nigel x

31-10-10, 18:00
Its a very sad world where someone who was crying out for help was allowed to walk out the next day!