View Full Version : Really fed up!

31-10-10, 11:33
I am having a really rough time at the moment. I was feeling so bad that I self-referred myself for cbt in the hope that this would help me (I have had some before but it was a group session and I needed more one to one). I was beginning to feel that I might make some progress and be able to tackle some of the stupid phobias I have eg nuts, having to use the same products ie shampoo etc etc and then I received my 'invitation' for a routine mammogram. I wasn't expecting this until next February and it arrived on my birthday (ruining it!). Ever since then I have been in a terrible state of anxiety and just can't seem to stop it. I know I could delay the mammogram but I would still be worrying all the time, knowing it was coming. I haven't decided yet whether I will put it off. I am not on meds as I have a fear of those too!!! I'd get all the side effects and worse. Really, I know I need some meds but, apart from being too scared to take them, I am worried as there seem to be so many people on the forums that are on meds but still don't seem better.

I am soooooooooo sick of feeling like this.

31-10-10, 12:01
Meds aren't miracle cures, and if you can manage without them so much the better. Meds can't make everything right, else everyone would be on them. They help adjust body chemistry, for example prozac as an SSRI helps the bodies own seratonin (happy chemical) from being reabsorbed, which can help someone feel less hopeless - they can't stop you worrying about a mammogram. They are meant to help whilst the person tries to alter their own obsessional behaviour, nothing more - if the person carries on checking symptoms whilst on them, then it's been a waste.

31-10-10, 13:01
Hi Jilly,

i am sorry your feeling the way you are. I can relate to not wanting to take meds, i wont take anything either different reasons to you as i just dont like them. what i do take though are supplements and herbal remedies which help me. you cna buy serotonin as a supplement i findit help relaxes me but it depends what your body needs i see a kinesiologist who is able to tell me what supplements and remedies my body needs as it changes over time tc

31-10-10, 13:19
Thanks for replying. Even though you know you are not alone with all these negative thinking patterns etc, you sometimes feel so lonely. It's so difficult for people that aren't obsessed with these crazy thoughts to understand just how debilating they are. I am so exhausted at the moment and my husband just can't understand how I feel. I would so love to be like him - he is so relaxed that he is almost horizontal!

31-10-10, 13:24
Im with you on this jilly....i feel so so alone at times and not even my partner can understand it which i find totally frustrating....ive asked her to sit on NMP and read some ppl stories to try and get her to understand a little more about how i feel, and thats its not just me being stupid as she sometimes says!
I would love to be like my partner who doesnt have a care in the world but thanks to her for putting up with me for 15 years!!