View Full Version : new and trying to be positive

31-10-10, 14:10
Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum. I am on day 3 of taking citalopram 20mg for mild depression and anxiety. I have been suffering on and off for 10 years but this is the first time I have gone to the doctor and got medication.
I really want this to work for me because I am tired of feeling anxious and worried all the time. Little things get to me and I go over and over things in my head, and then all I want to do is sleep.

I am also doing a CBT course online.

31-10-10, 14:13
Hi blue_bird

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

31-10-10, 14:16
Hi blue bird,

Welcome..the great thing about this site is that there are so many of us who can relate to what you are going through...you're not alone and I hope we can be of help and support to you.


31-10-10, 14:20

31-10-10, 14:37
hi and welcome..........:)

31-10-10, 17:40
thanx for the welcome

I am planning on going out tomorrow, it will be my first day out of the house since I started the medication. The drowsy feeling is wearing off and I feel a bit better this evening.

paula lynne
31-10-10, 17:57
Hi Blue bird and welcome. Im glad youre feeling a little better x:welcome:

31-10-10, 17:57
Hi I'm in a similar situation, 2nd day on citalopram for first time and can barely function. So sleepy but might be the anxiety wearing me out I suppose. Went to see my sons today and had to lie on the bed. You really don't want family to see you like that, it's hard. Trying to be brave but feel like been hit by a truck. Have you got sleeping pills as well? Keep in touch, I'll be interested to hear how you get on.

31-10-10, 19:52
Hi redlucy

Sorry to hear your not having a good time. I have been having a really bad time with IBS, so I have been off work since I started taking citalopram. I have just been taking it really easy and not stressing, I have no problem sleeping, actually I have problems staying awake. I have considered take medication for the last year and finally this week I decided I needed help.
I had a very bad anxiety attack last week and couldn't eat for days. I felt sick and just couldn't stop worrying, any side effects I am having are no worse than what I go through when I'm stressed or worried. So I know I can cope with the side effects I just hope it will be worth it in the end.

My main problem is I can be having a good day, and something happens I go into ultra-stress mode. It is usually triggered by someones reason to a situation or if they have a negative opinion of me. I just lose all sense of reason, doom and gloom takes over and I can see nothing positive in anything. This can last for an hour or a week, I manage to concentrate enough to do important things like work. But I can't do anything to relax or eat, so I just shut down and sleep. Then like a zombie go to work, come home sleep.

31-10-10, 21:02

I just wanted to introduce myself, im new, just literally joined! im on day 4 of citropram... going ok so far, not really feeling any different. still feeling slightly anxious but i know it will take time to start feeling any different.

Suffering badly from headaches and also not really been able to sleep very well since i started taking them. i manage to get to sleep ok but then i wake up after a few hours wide awake and just cannot get back to sleep :mad: Anyone else suffering from similar situation?

How is everyone else doing so far?

Much love, rach xx

01-11-10, 11:42
Hi everyone

Here I am on day 4 of citalopram. This morning I made porridge, took the tablet, got dressed and went shopping. I was worried I would feel strange going out but I was fine, I felt a bit sick but nothing I couldn't handle. I don't feel any better yet, I am hopeful when they medication kicks in I will.

Hows everyone else doing ?

01-11-10, 12:10
Hi Bluebird,

I am also new and joined today. I have also suffered from anxiety, stress and panic for the last 5 years. I was on medication for a short while but I felt it was no for me and wanted to try different methods. I have been told that citalopram is very good though!

Which CBT online course are you doing as I have been looking for a good one?

Many thanks

01-11-10, 12:19
Hello Bluebird! Good to hear you are out and about. I had to make a huge effort and get myself ready to go out to play badminton as I usually do but had left side light on car and battery flat! Waiting for AA Last week I locked myself out of car, both things I wouldn't have done in my "right mind" Not sure I'd have been up to it anyway, might have a walk. Got to try haven't you? x

02-11-10, 10:15
Day 5 and I haven't taken the tablet yet. I hate the sick, spacey feeling and my jaw is sore from clenching. All I want to do is sleep and I can't face another day of feeling miserable. I have to go back to work tomorrow and I need a clear head. I have decided to stop taking citalopram, I know it might be a mistake but I don't feel happy depending on medication.

I am going to continue with 'Living life to the full' CBT course online and try and re-think my problems.

02-11-10, 10:31
Really sorry to hear that. I have no idea if you're doing the right thing. Think your GP would stay stick with it though. Doesn't sound like work is the best place at the moment, do you have to go back? I was feeling quite a bit better late yesterday and was very hopeful but this morning back to square one,anxious, sweating and wanted to stay in bed. Only having my 2 dogs made me get up. You're not alone.

02-11-10, 14:54
I need to get back to work, I enjoy it and it takes me out. I think my GP was very hasty in dishing out citalopram, he didn't really listen to how I was feeling. He just made me answer some online questions and based on that give me meds. My anxiety is triggered by other people, their moods or their opinion of me. I think I need to focus on the CBT and change my thinking, the meds are just blocking it out. I need to find the solution for me. The course I'm doing is 'Living life to the Full' and it has really helped me understand why I react the way I do and to try and re-program my brain. I know the meds do work for some people, and I hope they work for you. I am looking into some natural remedies to see if I can find something easier on my body.

02-11-10, 21:49
Hi BlueBird, I have tonight started the course you mentioned. Thanks for that, not done enough yet to know if it will help me but anything's worth trying. It was also mentioned on the counselling leaflet which arrived this am. so must be good. I am waiting for an appointment for counselling, would that help you? Sticking with the meds at the mo although I know what you mean, I certainly don't feel any better yet, but I have stopped crying! Good luck with work.

03-11-10, 21:21
I'm still very tired, feels like the Citalopram is still in my system. But I had a good day at work, I feel like I made the right choice, although my jaw is still clenching.