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31-10-10, 14:58
hi guys
ive had chest pains for a good 2 weeks now
had ecg and blood work all come bk fine! is this still anxiety...i feel ok!

31-10-10, 15:07
what sort of pain is it and where is it

31-10-10, 15:08
Its on my left side
between breasts! sometimes its just an ache, other times its sharpe! cna make my arm feel funny

31-10-10, 15:11
Hi josephine....if youve had all the tests come back fine then its 100% anxiety....i get this all the time,nearly called ambulance yesterday coz i was convinced i was gonna have a heart attack....im having tests soon myself to give me piece of mind......relax!!!..lol

31-10-10, 15:13
thanks lammylama
i think im relaxing and then i get the pain which i believe starts my anxiety off! i just worry that if tests have come bk fine why is it still there! driving me crazy lol
what tests are you having xxx

31-10-10, 15:16
what did the doc say it could be. Did he mention heartburn?

31-10-10, 15:17
didnt mention heartburn as i had a fast heartrate so had ecg which concluded in nothing and gave me something to slow it down! still chest pains two weeks later!

31-10-10, 15:27
my heart rate and blood pressure are always really high when im at docs because of anxiety not because ive got a problem with my heart.

I had a pain in the middle of my chest to the left a few weeks ago. I wasnt worried that it could be my heart but thought that i had better get it checked out as i had had it a couple of days.
He said it was heartburn, i never realised it could cause such a bad pain that i couldnt sleep.

31-10-10, 15:28
the pain is still there coz its not heart related sweetie...its just your anxiety!....my chest pains put me in a real panic sometimes but i know deep down its not gonna harm me as its just anxiety causing it......i think nearly every sufferer has these chest pains and they're all still alive lol.....Im hoping to have full health check eg liver,cholestrol,ecg etc etc to try and give me some piece of mind really.If all comes back clear then hopefully my HA will reduce somewhat .

Chin up xx

31-10-10, 15:31
Thanks....any advice apart from relax!
i guess everytime i feel this stab its set my anxiety on an all time high! ugh, makes me so angry i dont want to have to go on meds but cant put up with constant discomfort!

31-10-10, 15:46
Thanks....any advice apart from relax!

go back and tell your doc how you feel

31-10-10, 15:53
I juts wanted a bit of reassurance that others had these sort of symptoms with anxiety x

31-10-10, 15:55
I would say it could be acid indigestion as well

anxiety also causes chest pain as we tense our muscles more

31-10-10, 15:57
anxiety can cause these symptoms, that is why i asked you what the doc said it could be, did he mentioned anxiety.

31-10-10, 16:07
hi i had what you described for about 3 weeks solid! it was due to anxiety i think it was because i was tense and hunching my shoulders which was tensing the muscles in my chest ,, do u get neck/back pain as well? the way i describe it , is i felt like i had a mini elephant on my chest! my anxiety was through the roof at the time it was scary! also can i ask do you ever catch your self not thinking about it and relise its not there? i mean even for a split second? x

31-10-10, 16:14
Hi lajjj
the doctor hasnt really said alot, said it could be the muscles, anxiety but def ruled out heart!

I truly believe if im busy i dont notice it, it doesnt start till about 30 mins after ive woken up and persitists all day! i just want it to go away....it feels like someone is sat on my chest, i have no trouble breathing its just like a constant ache on my left side! most of the time i dont feel anxious until i feel the pain! what can i do?

31-10-10, 16:20
It could be muscular then, like your doc said. My pain was never there when i woke up but as soon as i moved it started up and lasted all day. Although my doc said it was heartburn...he could have been right as i did have a few symptoms of this ...but i feel that it was more muscular.

31-10-10, 16:23
to be honest i struggled with this.. i do think it is a muscle thing and i did notice it seemed to go away when i forgot about it. eventually i relised i was holding the muscles.. check right now are your shoulders relaxed? are u pulling your arms towards your chest? the muscles i mean? if u are tensing up for long periods of time then you will find you start to ache belive me i know this! once you start to relise this you get your head around it and dont fear it any more. it is very scary tho i know exactly where you are coming from x

31-10-10, 16:25
I do generally feel tensed, ive noticed my jaw hurting due to biting down! its all very strange but untill i get a final diagnosis i feel i cant relax! ive had a blood test and all came bk fine so i suppose i should just believe the test!
do u feel you need to keep your mind active but its always at the back of it?

31-10-10, 16:34
hi there,Do es your chest hurt when u are walking up steps, or do you get out of breath when you are walking or anything like that?

31-10-10, 16:37
yes for def! took me ages to get my head around it... i find that if i have too much time to sit and think about it, it gets worse but i know its very difficult to find the motivation to do anything :-s i know ppl keep saying this and i know right now it makes no sense but it is an acceptence thing... once you convince your self it is a muscle thing it does just seem to go away! you need to try and let your muscles go every time you feel your self tensing them let them go. and you will find the discomfort stays for a few more days, this is normal because if you tense any muscle in the body for a long period of time then it is gonna ache! xx

31-10-10, 16:41
Thank you lajj you have made me feel 100 times better! i need to stop thinking ive got heart problems or lung cancer lol!
i think the worse thing is that once this has gone i know il be worried about something else! think i just need to learn to relax xxxxx

31-10-10, 16:42
Hi helen no it doesnt at all, i can be sitting reading and i still get the pain x

31-10-10, 16:43
exactly! normally i would find that summit eles takes over:) dont you just love anxiety! you will be fine hun xx

31-10-10, 16:59
Glad thats ruled out Josephine.I had something simmilar to you, but the pain was in my upper back . I'm sure it is tension.Take care and let us know how you are x