View Full Version : Tried to give blood and failed

31-10-10, 19:25
This might be too mild to qualify for this section, or the wrong one - I'm not sure where to put it.

Last week I want along to our local blood donor's centre (temporary, in the village community centre) to give blood. I'd given about a dozen times before but this was the first time I tried to since my panics started just over three years ago.

It went well at first - I filled in the questionnaire (I was at first considered as a new donor), gave a blood sample and then went to sit down and wait.

When I was called though and lay back on the couch, l found I couldn't get my arm comfortable enough - part of your arm has to hang over the side of the couch - and my hand also went ice cold. I think I might have gone into a mild PA too at the time, though this soon passed.

They were very nice to me but said, "no, we don't want to go ahead with the donation."

They were kind enough to let me have my tea and biscuits as though I had donated but I left feeling disappointed.

Anyone else had a similar experience, or advice about how to conquer it when I next try to give blood? I'd like to if I possibly can.

Thanks in advance,

Graham .

31-10-10, 19:38
:) hi i dont have any advice, but it is an intention of mine to give blood - but it also worries me that i will feel faint if i see the amount coming out of me? anyway i havent instigated anything yet - did they know you had panicked? i was wondering if you asked why they couldnt do it and if it was because you were upset - were they worried that taking the blood could have an adverse effect on you because you panicked - eg make you faint or feel ill and maybe want to stop the donation? anyway whatever the reason i admire that you wanted to do and better luck next time:hugs:

31-10-10, 19:50
I wanted to give blood and filled in an online form. Unfortunately someone rang my home and said that I needed my blood as I am on lithium and they did not want to disturb the balance of the drug in my blood. Fair point but aren't we always replenishing supplies? I suppose that the blood would be contaminated in some way. Shame really as if it something that if you are able to give back to the community. I hope that you find some way of relaxing Graham. Our veins disappear under the skin when we are anxious. You could play a relaxation cd through your ipod or mp3?

01-11-10, 21:33
Thanks to you both. You don't have to see your blood when you're donating and they usually arrange the stand so that it's out of your line of sight; I've never seen mine when I've been giving blood.

My impression was that I was showing signs of anxiety even though I was trying to hide it - my hand going cold was a big giveaway, and I found it hard to hold my hand up when I was lying down, it felt like a big strain to do so. I might see next time if I can have my arm supported when I'm on the couch.

Thanks again,

Graham .

paula lynne
01-11-10, 22:11
Good luck next time Graham x

28-12-10, 11:38
Thanks Paula. There will be a next time but I don't want another failure like that one so I may talk over my problem with the Blood Transfusion Service before going along again.

28-12-10, 12:03
You are lucky Graham that they will accept your blood as they did not want mine.EJ

28-12-10, 12:08
Thanks Paula. There will be a next time but I don't want another failure like that one so I may talk over my problem with the Blood Transfusion Service before going along again.

I wish you the best of luck Graeme, I'm glad to see your little blip has not put you off the idea of giving blood.

I'm the same as EJ, I can't give mine (shame as I'm O Negative, the type they are crying out for) but good on you for doing your bit to help.

Will keep fingers crossed that you manage to work through the difficulty. :flowers:

28-12-10, 16:10
I've only managed to give blood once, either have problems with iron levels or trying to find a vein :-(

Means i'm too paranoid to go anymore - i need to find someone to go with me to stop me chickening out!!

03-01-11, 11:01
I wish you the best of luck Graeme, I'm glad to see your little blip has not put you off the idea of giving blood.

I'm the same as EJ, I can't give mine (shame as I'm O Negative, the type they are crying out for) but good on you for doing your bit to help.

Will keep fingers crossed that you manage to work through the difficulty. :flowers:

(and EJ too) Thanks for your good wishes, and sorry to see they won't accept your blood. (I'm O negative too, btw).

03-01-11, 11:07
I've only managed to give blood once, either have problems with iron levels or trying to find a vein :-(

Means i'm too paranoid to go anymore - i need to find someone to go with me to stop me chickening out!!

Good luck in finding someone to go along with. The Blood Transfusion Service does its best to make the procedure anxiety-free but they don't and IMO can't succeed completely - a certain amount of stress accompanying the procedure is inevitable IMO. Don't beat yourself up if you don't feel up to it - I'm not too proud to admit that I've "bottled out" of donating in the past.