View Full Version : skin hurts like Sun burn??

31-10-10, 20:03
I have patches of skin that feel like I have slapped sunburn, but I absolutly have not been in the sun and its in weird places like a patch on my hip.
ANd across one ankle. I also have a numb patch on my back that comes and goes.
I also get like a bruised feeling on places that have no bruises
I really really hate it as I have an ongoin fear of MS as many of us here do.

Anyone else get this too??

31-10-10, 20:08
I have it on my face and left arm at the minute x

31-10-10, 20:08
I get the burning but mostly get the bruised feeling everywherrrrreee!!! right now i feel bruised on forearms, hips, shoulders, and neck. i have a strong ache behind my left knee that actually hurts :( ur not alone hun, i rly want to blv this is all anxiety but i get the symptoms so sudenly even when im out with mates or shopping.. its so debilitating :(

31-10-10, 20:57
wow thanks guys. I really didn't think other people got this too. Its such a weird symptom .

31-10-10, 22:01
I call them my tender patches its like an area of skin that is exceptionaly tender like a burn but if you press hard it doesn't hurt- I also get sharp shooting pains or intense itches in the area as well and they can be literally anywhere on my body and I think since I started with them when I was a teenager and I am now 49 there won't be an inch of my skin that I haven't had them on at sometime or another. I find I will get multiple areas every few days for weeks on end then nothing for months also they don't last more than 3 days with me in any one area.

My husband who does not have health anxiety at all gets them but not as often as me or in as many places.

31-10-10, 22:09
This is parathesia....ooh how I loved parathesia!

One day my skin would have patches as if sunburnt, the next day it would be like a windburn feeling and then maybe a day or two later I would have the good old wet skin patches...I have lost count of the times I was convinced I was sitting in a wet patch only to get up and feel a bone dry seat.

For some reason parathesia is often accompanied with the 'pebble in the shoe' symptom! This is another weird one when you would be convinced that you could feel a small stone or pebble in your shoe and yet everytime you took your shoe off and shook it out there is nothing there, you put your shoe back on and that damn feeling is still there.

...don't get me started on the feeling like you are wearing socks when you aren't symptom either.

Seriously, had all this nonsense and 101 others and was convinced it was MS or some other neuro nasty. It wasn't it was anxiety and all this stuff are incredibly common symptoms once your anxiety becomes physical.

31-10-10, 22:37
Iv got a patch of skin on my leg now that is red and feels like a burn.

I had the feeling of being wet last week. kept getting off my seat to check lol

mandie x