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31-10-10, 20:22
Is it just me or does anyone ever get symptoms so strange that they just cant describe them? I get so many odd sensations and feelings but i just cannot put them into words where someone would understand, its rly weird i think im going mad.. ive got about ten lymph nodes up in neck and groin and almost 6 weeks down the line they STILL havent gone :(

31-10-10, 20:28
i know exactly where you are coming from .....trouble is that i put every weird sensation or pain down to anxiety,but if a real problem came along im worried i would just dismiss it as just another symptom of anxiety and ignore it!

You are not going mad at all....remember that,we all feel the same on nmp so your not alone if thats any comfort to you!

paula lynne
31-10-10, 20:32
Its hard isnt it, if we had a broken leg we could "show" people, but its hard to describe how we feel, because as you say crazyhayz, we cant really describe it too ourselves! Youre not alone x

31-10-10, 21:05
thanks guys xx

31-10-10, 21:13
My glands in my neck, armpits and head keep popping up and aching. I also get one in my groin that really hurts, it feels like someone has kicked me! I give up paying attention to it to be honest lol.

31-10-10, 21:16
Yeah but mine dont hurt... and painless nodes in more than one area is NOT a good sign :( :( :( would blods really show something??? im woirrying as i get heaviness/weakness in hands and arms ALOT like everyday :( i can still lift stuff so is this weakness real or is it just a 'feeling' of weakness??? coz apparently if i was suffering weakness then i woud find it hard to lift things.?? then again, i get loss of gripping power that comes and goes... :( argh im going crazy, i just feel ill with it, these nodes are getting harder and harder and im rly worrying about cancer :(

02-11-10, 17:08
I know exactly what you mean i find it so hard to explain some of the symptoms I feel especially the head related ones like pains and feeling spaced out or drugged when my anxietys high. I have it all worked out in my head what im going to tell my doctor when I go to see him but when I get there I find it really hard to explain my symptoms especially as at the time of me being in the doctors im not feeling the symptoms at the time.