View Full Version : One thing gone and another appears

31-10-10, 22:14
Right so the good news is that my legs and arms seem to be getting better tingling wise, the muscle ache seems a lot better, so I might have had yet again another bug....

A couple of things are bothering me now though. I woke up with bad pains in my eyes. I think it might be eye strain but I'm not sure whether that causes stabbing pain in the eye or not? My eyeballs ache a bit if I press on them and they ache when they move from side to side etc.

The other thing is nausea. I just don't know what to do about this one. Can the nausea be caused by reflux even if you can't feel reflux? The Dr thinks that this is what it is but I'm not convinced on this one as I can't feel any indigestion or pain. I keep getting a dry feeling in my mouth and like I'm going to gag. A bubble of gas or something trapped in my throat. It'snot anxiety, I can get it all of a sudden when I'm doing something I am enjoying. I just can't shake it and I'm still pretty much convinced I have a brain tumour causing al these symptoms.

Going home
31-10-10, 22:21
I think most people get these symptoms even if they don't suffer with anxiety. When you say that one thing goes and another appears, what this really means is that another worry comes along, that you worry about every physical thing...which we all do here. Its your reaction to the aches and pains and acid reflux, dry mouth etc, rather than the symptoms themselves which, as I say, can happen to anyone. If I ask my partner at this moment to list all of the things about his body that bothers him, he would probably rattle off a list...but its the way he deals with them that matters, normally he just wouldn't be bothered to focus on them, and that's what makes the difference between us....wish I could be more like that :blush: The way you talk about your symptoms sounds like classic anxiety. You don't sound ill, just very worried.

Anna xx

31-10-10, 22:21

Symptom shifting. I think anybody who has ever experienced any form of physical anxiety can relate to this and gets scared by it and they feel it confirms something serious is amiss. The paradox is that once you symptom shift like this it actually points clearly to a non organic diagnosis and if you accept this once symptoms shift you are actually at a point where recovery is within touching distance....of course this can go either way, the ball is in your court.

Do not dismiss an anxiety diagnosis as you feel your symptoms when you are not stressed or happy etc. It really doesn't work like that I'm afraid. Once anxiety becomes physical the symptons are not dependant on your mental state and will present as a constant...your body needs to recover as well as your mind.

31-10-10, 22:23
I know how you feel dodo ;( Glad your muscle ache has cleared up though!

Right, so! :) Eye strain can cause a lot of horrible eye symptoms there was a thread on here few weeks ago I'll try to find it for you. Do your eyes feel dry at all? I experienced my first dry eye coupla weeks ago and it REALLY hurt when I tried to move it and if I pressed it. You've been to the opticians coupla months ago havn't you? They would have picked up if there was anything wrong with your eyes or a tumor.

Nausea comes hand in hand with reflux/anxiety. I felt sick for 2 weeks straight once! I couldn't eat anything cuz I had no appitite and just felt really sick. Didn't have any reflux symtoms, wasn't paticularly anxious but still I felt so sick. Anxiety symptoms can come around even when we're not anxious because although we're doing something we enjoy and don't feel anxious, our body still has inapropriate adrenaline levels which is why a lot of us health anxiety sufferers get anxiety symptoms when we're not anxious and it sets us all off again. A lot of it's to do with the subconcious as you fear a brain tumor as much as I fear a heart attack, it never really goes out of our minds though we don't realise it. xx

31-10-10, 22:24
Found it!

Oh! One eye strain symptom is nausea! Hope this might help a little bit xx


31-10-10, 22:33
Thanks guys. I think I remember that post pokerface. I was pretty sure that the eye strain could cause stabbing pains but wanted to check. Am pretty sure this is what it is. I have a new phone and spent a while looking at it the other day.

The nausea is really getting to me now. Saturday I was nausea free and feeling like I'd turned a corner, and today it is back again and quite bad too. I keep getting that dry mouth thing like I need to go to the bathroom but nothing ever happens. Not sure what to do next really as I need it to go away :(

31-10-10, 22:37
Oh and I forgot to add, yes I had my eyes looked at three times, but someone has since said to me that the optician can only detect tumours/ MS etc when they are advanced, so that has worried me a bit again.

31-10-10, 22:40
Mm I've got quite a dry mouth today thinkin about it! Tryna think what I do when I feel this bad!

Right so this might be a bit "Captain Obvious" so I apologise in advance, but try to drink more water, if you suffer with reflux which might be causing you're dry mouth/nausea try to drink lots of milk! Milk lines you're stomache I think, it makes reflux a lot better anyway! I hate milk with a passion but when I feel sick/dry mouth/heart burny I force a glass down and it helps. Or! Have you tried Andrews Salts? That's a miricle worker for gas/indigestion etc.!

Best thing to do right now would be to drink a glass of milk and try to get some sleep. Hopefully when you wake up your eyes will be less strained, you're tummy will be more happy and it's the start of a new week so you can be all positive :) xx

31-10-10, 22:41
Ahh who said that about MS/tumors to you? x

31-10-10, 23:25
Hi there
I've been getting a dry mouth and feeling queezy for two days now - I think both are classic symptoms of anxiety.

Pokerface's advice is so right and I think everyone presently logged on and feeling worried should try and take it. Hard I know but wise words!

Best thing to do right now would be to drink a glass of milk and try to get some sleep. Hopefully when you wake up your eyes will be less strained, you're tummy will be more happy and it's the start of a new week so you can be all positive :smile: xx xx

01-11-10, 09:39
I hate milk too pokerface ;) Don't mind it with a bit of milkshake powder in it though ;)

I think this nausea thing is linked to a stomach bug I had but that was at the beginning of September so I really would expect to feel better by now. The rest of my symptoms have cleared up but I've been left with the nausea. It's so frustrating.

A friend mentioned about the tumour etc when we were talking about glasses and eye tests in general.

Eyes are a bit better today after wearing my glasses for most of yesterday.

01-11-10, 09:50
Hi dodo

I definitely agree with itoldyouiwasill about symptom shift - I have had this myself a number of times. You get one set of symptoms explained (or sometimes they just disappear on their own) and another appears to take their place. The change in symptoms really does confirm that it isn't anything organic causing it, as otherwise what you would experience is a worsening of the same symptoms. I hope that makes sense!

01-11-10, 09:54
Yes I agree with that. I think it's for me that all these symptoms have been going on simultaneously and as one has disappeared it has made me focus on the ones that are left. The nausea is the worst thing for me now because I don't usually feel sick at all, I get tummy upsets but it's usually the other end. It's like headaches, I don't get them so when I do I know I'm under the weather. I hope that makes sense. So that's why I'm worried about the nausea.

01-11-10, 10:07
Hmm I don't know if you should beleive everything your friends tell you. My friend told me being drunk was an effective form of contreception! I beleived it til I was about 18 and my boyfriend told me it was the most moronic thing he'd ever heard lol. :blush:

My Grandad went to the opticians for an eye check up and they detected a bleed behind his eye straight away, they're pretty efficient. My Grandma has MS too and has done for 35 years, I don't know how she got diagnosed with it though but it was a speedy diagnosis! Doctors know about these things which is why we have to trust them. I know it's way easier said than done cuz I'm sitting here with chest pain this morning thinking OMG HEART ATTACK! When I've been told I'm fine. GOD I hate health anxiety. x

01-11-10, 10:13
Yes, concur with both of you here. My main cause of fretting at the moment is my IBS playing up. As well all know, IBS gets worse with stress and both my partner and I are trying to get divorced at the moment (helloooooooooooo stress!!!!!). I've also just changed my HRT and am having loads of grief at work, so it's no wonder my innards aren't feeling very well. But does this stop me worrying about it? Does it heck.... :)

01-11-10, 10:18
Awww hugs blueangel, it sounds like a very tough time and your tummy will be well out of whack. I've been given some omoprazole as the Dr thinks it's acid but I'm really not sure. I'll see how we go with them for a few days and if no better then I'm off back there again. I can't stand being nauseous as it puts me off doing anything just in case I'm going to barff! Hoping I feel a bit better by the time I'm back to work in a couple of days otherwise I'll sit there all day fretting and not working!

01-11-10, 10:18
Lol Pokerface